DG457.A75 A43
The enchanted ground : Americans in Italy, 1760-1980 / |
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DG457.A79 F47 2016
Armenians - Aryans : the "blood myth", the race laws of 1938 and the Armenians in Italy / |
1 |
DG457.B55 C35
Nero di Puglia / |
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DG457.B55 C35x
Nero di Puglia / |
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DG457.C38 M35 2023eb
Reversing the gaze : what if the other were you? / |
1 |
Migration and the media : debating Chinese migration to Italy, 1992-2012 / |
2 |
DG457.C47 M3 2015eb
Meet me in Venice : a Chinese immigrant's journey from the far East to the faraway West / |
1 |
DG457.E84 A85 2015
Asmarina : [voices and images of a postcolonial heritage] / |
1 |
DG457.G4 R37 2021
Protestantische Händlernetze im langen 18, Jahrhundert : die deutschen Kaufmannsgruppierungen und ihre Korporationen in Venedig und Livorno von 1648 bis 1806 / |
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DG457.J5 E27 1984
Gli ebrei a Gorizia e a Trieste tra "Ancien Régime" ed emancipazione : atti del convegno, Gorizia, 13 giugno 1983 / |
1 |
DG457.L3 F67 2005
Ladinische Einblicke : erzählte Vergangenheit, erlebte Gegenwart in den ladinischen Dolomitentälern / |
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DG457.L3 L325 2006
I Ladini : una minoranza nella minoranza / |
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DG457.M66 P6618 2017
Refugiados : los moriscos e Italia / |
1 |
DG457.M67 S25 2003
Gender in transnationalism : home, longing and belonging among Moroccan migrant women / |
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DG457.M67 S25 2003eb
Gender in transnationalism : home, longing and belonging among Moroccan migrant women / |
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DG457.M87 E96 2018
Exploring digital spaces : combining critical discourse analysis with interviews to study a Muslim blog / |
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DG457.M87 M48 2009
The Muslims of medieval Italy / |
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DG457.M87 M48 2009eb
The Muslims of medieval Italy / |
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DG457.M87 M48 2021
I musulmani dell'Italia medievale / |
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