Call Number (LC) Title Results
DG552.6 .H46 L'interpretazione della storia nella letteratura del Risorgimento / 1
DG552.6 .I75 2009 Risorgimento in exile : Italian émigrés and the liberal international in the post-Napoleonic era / 1
DG552.6 .M46 2012 Corpi posseduti : martiri ed eroi dal Risorgimento a Pinocchio / 1
DG552.6 .N38 2014 Nation/nazione : Irish nationalism and the Italian Risorgimento / 1
DG552.6 .S88 2014 Victorian radicals and Italian democrats / 1
DG552.6 .U7 1938 British opinion and policy on the unification of Italy, 1856-1861 / 1
DG552.6 V42 1996 L'Italia laica prima e dopo l'unità : 1848- 1876 / 1
DG552.7 .B37 1996 Le eroine del Risorgimento : amore e politica al femminile / 1
DG552.7 .H8 Menschen und schicksale aus dem risorgimento / 1
DG552.7 .M28 The makers of modern Italy : Mazzini, Cavour, Garibaldi. Three lectures delivered at Oxford / 1
DG552.7 .P6 The holocaust : Italy's struggle with the Hapsburg / 1
DG552.7 .R8 1940b Italian nationalism and English letters : figures of the risorgimento and Victorian men of letters / 1
DG552.8.A1 R8 1940 Italian nationalism and English letters : figures of the risorgimento and Victorian men of letters / 1
DG552.8 .A912 1966 Things I remember (I miei ricordi) / 1
DG552.8.A985 A4 1987 Epistolario (1819-1866) / 1
DG552.8.A985 B75 1988 Massimo d'Azeglio : una biografia politica / 1
DG552.8.A985 M3 Massimo d'Azeglio : an artist in politics, 1798-1866. 1
DG552.8.C25 L68 Carlo Cattaneo and the politics of the Risorgimento, 1820-1860. 1
DG552.8.C25 S23 2010 Civilization and self-government : the political thought of Carlo Cattaneo / 1
DG552.8.C3 A3 1991 Diari, 1833-1856 / 1