Call Number (LC) Title Results
DG63 .M34 2008 Lives of the Romans / 1
DG63 .M35 1986 Roma antiqua : Latium and Etruria : a source book of classical texts / 1
DG63 .M45 2006 Augustus and the creation of the Roman empire : a brief history with documents / 1
DG63 .M63 The remains of ancient Rome / 1
DG63 .M63 1997 The Roman remains : John Izard Middleton's visual souvenirs of 1820-1823, with additional views in Italy, France, and Switzerland / 2
DG63 .M67 1985 Misurare la terra : centuriazione e coloni nel mondo romano : città, agricoltura, commercio : materiali da Roma e dal suburbio / 1
DG63 .N5 1848 Analisi storico-topografico-antiquaria della carta de' dintorni di Roma / 1
DG63 .P7 The topography and monuments of ancient Rome / 1
DG63 .P7 1911a The topography and monuments of ancient Rome / 1
DG63 .P72 The topography and monuments of ancient Rome / 1
DG63 .R54 1992 The eagle and the spade : archaeology in Rome during the Napoleonic Era / 1
DG63 .R58 The monuments of ancient Rome. 1
DG63 .R63 1981 Forma urbis marmorea : aggiornamento generale 1980 / 1
DG63 .R65 2003 Rome the cosmopolis / 1
DG63 .S34 1996 'Ordo Senatorius' und 'Nobilitas': Die Konstitution des Senatsadels in der Spätantike ; mit einem Appendix über den 'praepositus sacri cubiculi' den "allmächtigen" Eunuchen am kaiserlichen Hof / 1
DG63 .S35 Das alte Rom : Entwickelung seines Grundrisses und Geschichte seiner Bauten / 1
DG63 .S62 2000 Ancient Rome : past and present / 1
DG63 .S63 2002 Neronia VI : Rome à l'époque néronienne : institutions et vie politique, économie et société, vie intellectuelle, artistique et spirituelle : actes du VIe Colloque international de la SIEN (Rome, 19-23 mai 1999) / 1
DG63 .S65 1997 Guida di Roma antica : [itinerari archeologici tra mura, fori, templi, acquedotti e altri monumenti dell'Urbe] / 1
DG63 .V68 2012 The hills of Rome : signature of an eternal city / 1