Call Number (LC) Title Results
DG69 .H37 2014 The Horologium of Augustus : debate and context / 1
DG69 .K57 1985 The arch of Nero in Rome : a study of the Roman honorary arch before and under Nero / 1
DG69 .M34 2005 Imus ad villam : Studien zur Villeggiatur im stadtrömischen Suburbium in der späten Republik und frühen Kaiserzeit / 1
DG69 .M36 2009 I Fori imperiali e i Mercati di Traiano : storia e descrizione dei monumenti alla luce degli studi e degli scavi recenti / 1
DG69 .M398 2011 il Mausoleo di Sant'Elena : gli scavi / 1
DG69 .M42 1996 Meta Sudans I : un'area sacra in Palatio e la valle del Colosseo prima e dopo Nerone / 1
DG69 .N33 2015 Legendary rivals : collegiality and ambition in the tales of early Rome / 2
DG69 .P3 The king and the comitium : a study of Rome's oldest public document / 1
DG69 .P34 1990 Studies of the northern Campus Martius in ancient Rome / 1
DG69 .P374 2000 Guide to underground Rome : from Cloaca Massima to Domus Aurea : the most fascinating underground sites of the capital = Guida di Roma sotterranea / 1
DG69 .R335 1999 Roma egizia : culti, templi e divinità egizie nella Roma imperiale / 1
DG69 .R37 2007 Das Mausoleum der Constantina in Rom / 1
DG69 .R636 2012 Rom in der Spätantike : historische Erinnerung im städtischen Raum / 1
DG69 .R64 2012 Rom und Mailand in der Spätantike : Repräsentationen städtischer Räume in Literatur, Architektur und Kunst / 1
DG69 .R897 1983 Macellum : marché alimentaire des romains / 1
DG69 .S33 1982 Bildpropaganda der römischen Kaiserzeit : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Trajanssäule in Rom und korrespondierender Münzen / 1
DG69 .S83 2003 Suburbium : il suburbio di Roma dalla crisi del sistema delle ville a Gregorio Magno / 1
DG69 .Y35 2019eb Roman architecture and urbanism : from the origins to late antiquity / 1
DG70 The City in the Roman West, c.250 BC-c. AD 250.
The Excavations of San Giovanni di Ruoti : Volume I, The Villas and their Environment.
DG70.A1 E66 2020 Life and death in the Roman suburb / 1