Call Number (LC) Title Results
DG70.P4 P4 1990 I Romani di Pesaro e i Sabini di Roma / 1
DG70.P52 G46 1999 La Villa romana di Piazza Armerina Palazzo Erculio / 1
DG70.P64 M87 1994 Murlo and the Etruscans : art and society in ancient Etruria / 1
DG70.P64 P49 1993 In the hills of Tuscany : recent excavations at the Etruscan site of Poggio Civitate (Murlo, Siena) / 1
DG70.P64 T835 2021eb Poggio Civitate (Murlo) / 1
DG70.P64 W37 1985 The metal finds from Poggio Civitate (Murlo), 1966-1978 / 1
DG70.P652 P652 1997 Pomarico Vecchio I : abitato, mura, necropoli, materiali / 1
DG70.P7 Mysteries of Pompeii /
Die Stadt als beschriebener Raum : Die Beispiele Pompeji und Herculaneum /
Romans, rubbish, and refuse : the archaeobotanical assemblage of Regione VI, Insula I, Pompei /
The Porta Stabia neighborhood at Pompeii.
Women's lives, women's voices : Roman material culture and female agency in the Bay of Naples /
Pompeii : an Archaeological Guide.
Pompéi et le réveil du Vésuve : Les dernières heures de la ville romaine.
The economy and society of Pompeii /
The Insula of the Menander at Pompeii, 3 : the Finds, a Contextual Study.
Impronte Pompeiane /
The economy of Pompeii /
DG70.P7 A6415 1998 Pompeji entdecken : Besichtigungsrundgänge anlässlich des 250. Jahrestages seit Beginn der Ausgrabungen / 1
DG70.P7 A648 2002 The lost world of Pompeii / 1
DG70.P7 A653 2018 House of the Surgeon, Pompeii : excavations in the Casa del Chirurgo (VI 1, 9-10.23) / 1
DG70.P7 A73 2007 Antiquity recovered : the legacy of Pompeii and Herculaneum / 1
DG70.P7 A89 2003 Pompei : mestieri e botteghe 2000 anni fa / 1
DG70.P7 B37 2019 Domesticating empire : Egyptian landscapes in Pompeian gardens / 1
DG70.P7 B43 2008 The fires of Vesuvius : Pompeii lost and found / 1
DG70.P7 B468 2007 The complete Pompeii / 1
DG70.P7 B47 1995 The Christian inscription at Pompeii / 1
DG70.P7 B73 1979 Pompeii AD 79 : the treasure of rediscovery / 1
DG70.P7 B74 1960 Pompeii and Herculaneum : the glory and the grief / 1
DG70.P7 B93 2006 Pompeii : the living city / 1