Call Number (LC) Title Results
DG70.P7 M87 2015 Romans, rubbish, and refuse : the archaeobotanical assemblage of regione VI, insula I, Pompeii / 1
DG70.P7 N37 1998 Pompei : guida alla città sepolta / 1
DG70.P7 N5 Neue Forschungen in Pompeji und den anderen vom Vesuvausbruch 79 n. Chr. verschütteten Städten / 1
DG70.P7 O455 2001 De aquis pompeiorum = Das castellum aquae in Pompeji : Herkunft, Zuleitung und Verteilung des Wassers / 1
DG70.P7 O488 1996 Fundkontexte römischer Vesuvvillen im Gebiet um Pompeji : die Grabungen von 1894 bis 1908 / 1
DG70.P7 O92 1968 Pompeji in seinen Gebäuden, Alterthümern und Kunstwerken / 1
DG70.P7 P34 2000 Monumenti antichi rinvenuti ne reali scavi di Ercolano e Pompej & delineati e spiegati da D. Camillo Paderni romano / 1
DG70.P7 P36 2010 Pompeji, Leben am Vulkan / 1
DG70.P7 P37 1995 Rediscovering antiquity : Karl Weber and the excavation of Herculaneum, Pompeii, and Stabiae / 1
DG70.P7 P6 1970 Pompeii once there was a city / 1
DG70.P7 P637 2011 Pompeii : art, industry, and infrastructure / 1
DG70.P7 P65 1995 Pompeii buried alive / 1
DG70.P7 P656 2001 Pompei : scienza e società : 250⁰ anniversario degli scavi di Pompei, Convegno internazionale, Napoli, 25-27 novembre 1998 / 1
DG70.P7 P6564 2002 Pompeian brothels, Pompeii's ancient history, mirrors and mysteries, art and nature at Oplontis, the Herculaneum "Basilica" / 1
DG70.P7 P66 1997 Pompeii : the guide to the archaeological site : everyday life in the town buried by Mount Vesuvius 2000 years ago. 1
DG70.P7 P66 2002 Pompeii / 1
DG70.P7 P66 2017 Pompei e i Greci / 1
DG70.P7 P667 1873 Pompei. 1
DG70.P7 P75 1989 Pompeii daily life of the Ancient Romans / 1
DG70.P7 R43 1990 Rediscovering Pompeii : exhibition by IBM-ITALIA, New York City, IBM Gallery of Science and Art, 12 July-15 September 1990 / 1