DG70.S28 H45 1998
Satricum : a town in Latium / |
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DG70.S28 S279 2002
Satricum in the post-archaic period : a case study of the interpretation of archaeological remains as indicators of ethno-cultural identity / |
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DG70.S28 T65 2012
A fragmented history : a methodological and artefactual approach to the study of ancient settlement in the territories of Satricum and Antium / |
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DG70.S28 T65 2012eb
A fragmented history : a methodological and artefactual approach to the study of ancient settlement in the territories of Satricum and Antium / |
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DG70.S28 W33 1998
Satricum : cronaca di uno scavo ricerche archeologiche alla fine dell'Ottocento / |
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DG70.S354 M564 2020
Nel Regno Del Fango Risultati Delle Prime Campagne Di Scavo. |
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DG70.S38 M47 1984
Der Tempel von Segesta und die dorische Tempelbaukunst des griechischen Westens in klassischer Zeit / |
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DG70.S38 S453 1996
Segesta / |
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DG70.S4 B54
Selinunte : storia e guida / |
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DG70.S4 D43 1995
Die archaische Keramik aus dem Malophoros-Heiligtum in Selinunt : die korinthischen, lakonischen, ostgriechischen, etruskischen und megarischen Importe sowie die 'argivisch-monochrome' und lokale Keramik aus den alten Grabungen / |
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DG70.S65 C37 2000
La grotta di Tiberio e il Museo archeologico nazionale, Sperlonga / |
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DG70.S65 H555 1995
Sperlonga : die homerischen Gruppen und ihre Bildquellen / |
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DG70.S77 C67 1998
Stabia : memorie storiche ed archeologiche / |
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DG70.S77 D677 1996
Gli scavi di Stabiae : giornale di scavo / |
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DG70.S77 I57 2004
In Stabiano : exploring the ancient seaside villas of the Roman elite / |
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DG70.S9 B8
Search for Sybaris / |
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DG70.S9 C3 1975
Sybaris. |
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DG70.S9 R3
The Search for Sybaris, 1960-1965 / |
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DG70.T3 B73 1986
Taras : its history and coinage / |
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DG70.T35 L45 2004
Tarquinia : an Etruscan city / |
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