Call Number (LC) Title Results
DG76 .C66 2012 Comparative issues in the archaeology of the roman rural landscape : site classification between survey, excavation and histroical categories / 1
DG76 .G57 1671 Romanæ historiæ anthologia recognita et aucta. : An English exposition of the Roman antiquities: wherein many Roman and English-offices are parallel'd, and divers obscure phrases explain'd. For the use of Abingdon School. 1
DG76 .G62 1655 Romanae historiae anthologia recognita et aucta an English exposition of the Roman antiquities : wherein many Roman and English offices are parralleld and divers obscure phrases explained. 2
DG76 .G62 1658 Romanae historiae anthologia recognita et aucta an English exposition of the Roman antiquities : wherein many Roman and English offices are parallell'd and divers obscure phrases explained. 2
DG76 .G62 1685 Romanæ historiæ anthologia recognita & aucta an English exposition of the Roman antiquities : wherein many Roman and English offices are parallell'd and divers obscure phrases explain'd. 2
DG76 .G62 1696 Romanæ historiæ anthologia recognita & aucta an English exposition of the Roman antiquities, wherein many Roman and English offices are parrallel'd, and divers obscure phrases explained : for the use of Abingdon School. 2
DG76 .G72 1685 Romanæ historiæ anthologia recognita & aucta an English exposition of the Roman antiquities : wherein many Roman and English offices are parallel'd and divers obscure phrases explain'd for the use of Abingdon School. 1
DG76 .G72 1686 Romanæ historiæ anthologia recognita & aucta an English exposition of the Roman antiquities : Moses and Aaron, civil and ecclesiastical rites, [u]sed by the ancient Hebrews, observed, and at large opened, for the clearing of many obscure texts throughout the whole Scripture : Seven books of the Attick antiquities, containing the description of the city's glory, government, division of the people, &c. : in one entire volume. 1
DG76 .H52 1674 Antiqvitates potissimùm Romanæ è Rosino alisque in compendivm contractæ et juxta ordinem alphabeti dispositæ bono juventutis /
Antiqvitates potissimùm Romanæ è Rosino alis̀que in compendivm contractæ et juxta ordinem alphabeti dispositæ bono juventutis /
DG76 .L74 2011 Iusti Lipsii Saturnalium Sermonum libri duo, qui de gladiatoribus : Lipsius' Saturnaliengespräche, eine textkritische Ausgabe mit Übersetzung, Einführung und Anmerkungen. 1
DG76 .L76 I. Lipsij Roma illustrata. 1
DG76 .L76 1692 Justi Lipsii Roma illustrata, sive, Antiquitatum Romanarum breviarium. 1
DG76 .P474 2019 Collapse or Survival Micro-Dynamics of Crisis and Endurance in the Ancient Central Mediterranean. 1
DG76 .R9 1613 Antiquitatum Romanarum corpus absolutissimum / 1
DG77 Roman archaeology for historians /
Materialising the Roman Empire
Roman archaeology for historians
Rome's great eastern war : Lucullus, Pompey and the conquest of the east, 74-62 BC /
Roman error : classical reception and the problem of Rome's flaws /
Ancient Romans /
The changing landscapes of Rome's northern hinterland : the British School at Rome's Tiber Valley Project /
Changes in the Roman Empire essays in the ordinary /
The Horace's villa project 1997-2003
Freed slaves and Roman imperial culture : social integration and the transformation of values /
The ancient Romans : a social and political history from the early Republic to the death of Augustus /
The modern cultural myth of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire /
DG77 .A35 1994 Handbook to life in ancient Rome / 2
DG77 .A35 2004 Handbook to life in ancient Rome / 1
DG77 .A44 2005 Life, myth and art in ancient Rome / 1
DG77 .A473 1994 Das Alte Rom : Geschichte und Kultur des Imperium Romanum / 1
DG77 .A5 Recherches sur l'otium romain / 1