Call Number (LC) Title Results
DG89 .R66 2017 Der römische Triumph in Prinzipat und Spätantike / 1
DG89 .R675 1999 The logistics of the Roman army at war (264 B.C.-A.D. 235) / 1
DG89 .R69 Roman military diplomas 1954-1977 / 1
DG89 .R69 2016 Roman military diplomas, 1985-1993 / 1
DG89 .R692 1985 Roman military diplomas 1978 to 1984 / 1
DG89 .R694 2003 Roman military diplomas IV / 1
DG89 .R695 2006 Roman military diplomas. 1
DG89 .R72 2003 Roman military diplomas IV / 1
DG89 .R72 2006 Roman military diplomas. 1
DG89 .S25 2012 Pugio-gladius brevis est : history and technology of the Roman battle dagger / 1
DG89 .S25 2020 Scrivere documenti nell'esercito romano : L'evidenza dei papiri latini d'Egitto tra I e III d.C / 1
DG89 .S38 1887 De legione Romanorum XIII Gemina : dissertatio inauguralis quam consensu et auctoritate amplissimi philosophorum ordinis in Universitate Christiana Albertina ad summos in philosophia honores rite capessendos una cum thesibus die XIX mensis decembris anni MDCCCLXXXVII / 1
DG89 .S47 2010 Soldiering for God : Christianity and the Roman army / 1
DG89 .S63 2002 Classes Imperii Romani : an epigraphic examination of the men of the imperial Roman navy / 1
DG89 .S63 20002 Classes Imperii Romani : an epigraphic examination of the men of the imperial Roman navy / 1
DG89 .S65 Guards of the Roman armies : an essay on the singulares of the provinces / 1
DG89 .S685 2001 Römisches Heer und Gesellschaft : gesammelte Beiträge 1991-1999 / 1
DG89 .S935 2009 Ethnicity, conquest, and recruitment : two case studies from the northern military provinces / 1
DG89. T48 A history of Roman sea-power before the Second Punic War. 1
DG89 .T5 Studies on the history of Roman sea-power in republican times / 1