Call Number (LC) Title Results
DH185 .N48 1604 Newes from Flanders and Ostend a true declaration how the Lords States of the Vnited Prouinces, vnder the conduct of His Excellencie, haue set forth a princelike nauie of ships from Zeland, the 15. day of April 1604, which went to the island of Casant, where the foresayd Lords States haue taken in the sconce of Coxie, S. Catherine, S. Philip, and Isendiick, with other small sconces and holds / 1
DH185 .W44 1577 The Aduise and answer of my lord ye Prince of Orenge, cou[n]tie Nassau &c. and of ye states of Holland and Zeland, made by the Estates Generall on thisside [sic], vpon the articles conceiued and and [sic] after concluded and accorded in fourm of a pertuall [sic] edict between Lord Don Iohn Duke of Austrich, knight of the Order of the Golde[n] Fleece of the part and in the name of the Catholick king of Spaine of the one partie, and the said Generall Estates of the other. 1
DH185 .W5 1581 The apologie or defence of the most noble Prince William, by the grace of God, Prince of Orange ... against the proclamation and edict, published by the King of Spaine, by which he proscribeth the saide lorde prince, whereby shall appeare the sclaunders and false accusations conteined in the said proscription, which is annexed to the end of this apologie / 1
DH185 .W53 1969 The apologie of prince William of Orange against the proclamation of the king of Spaine / 1
DH186 Dissident identities in the early modern Low Countries / 1
DH186 .A9 Memoires pour servir a l'histoire de Hollande et des autres provinces-unies, où l'on verra les veritables causes des divisions qui sont depuis soixante ans dans cette république, & qui la menacent de ruine. 1
DH186 .B46 The history of the wars of Flanders
The history of the warrs of Flanders
DH186 .E94 1997 Exercise of arms : warfare in the Netherlands, 1568-1648 / 1
DH186 (INTERNET) The triumphs of Nassau, or, A description and representation of all the victories both by land and sea, granted by God to the noble, high, and mightie lords, the Estates generall of the vnited Netherland Prouinces Vnder the conduct and command of his excellencie, Prince Maurice of Nassau. /
A briefe discourse dialoguevvise shevving how false & dangerous their reports are, which affirme, the Spaniards intended inuasion to be, for the reestablishment of the Romish religion, for her Maiesties succors giuen to the Netherlanders, and for Sir Frances Drakes enterprise three yeares past into the VVest Indies.
A lamentable, and pitifull description, of the wofull warres in Flaunders, since the foure last yeares of the Emperor Charles the fifth his raigne with a briefe rehearsall of many things done since that season, vntill this present yeare, and death of Don Iohn /
24. of August. 1578. A discourse of the present state of the wars in the lowe countryes Wherein is contayned the pittifull spoyle of Askot: and the articles of peace to bee concluded betweene the states, and Don Iohn de Austrea.
The compleat history of the warrs of Flanders
De bello Belgico The history of the Low-Countrey warres /
Digitus Dei, or, Good newes from Holland sent to the wor : Iohn Treffry and Iohn Trefusis. Esquires : as allso to all that haue shot arrows agayst Babels brats, and wish well to Sion wheresouer.
Historicall relations of the United Provinces & of Flanders
The actions of the Lowe Countries
A supplication to the Kings Maiestie of Spayne, made by the Prince of Orange, the states of Holland and Zeland, with all other his faithfull subiectes of the low Countreys, presently suppressed by the tyranny of the Duke of Alba and Spaniards : by which is declared the originall beginning of al the commotions [and] troubles happened in the sayd low Countrie : to the relief wherof, they require his Maiesties speedy redresse and remedie
A true discourse historicall, of the succeeding gouernours in the Netherlands, and the ciuill warres there begun in the yeere 1565 with the memorable seruices of our honourable English generals, captaines and souldiers, especially vnder Sir Iohn Norice knight, there performed from the yeere 1577. vntill the yeere 1589. and afterwards in Portugale, France, Britaine and Ireland, vntill the yeere 1598. /
DH186 .L38 1989 The time of troubles in the Low Countries : the chronicles and memoirs of Pasquier de le Barre of Tournai, 1559-1567 / 1
DH186 .L56 2014 Dutch Revolt 1559-1648, The. 1
DH186 .L566 2014eb The Dutch revolt, 1559-1648 / 1
DH186 .M595 1602a A true discourse historicall of the succeeding governours in the Netherlands. 1
DH186 .N5413 2009 Treason in the Northern Quarter : war, terror, and the rule of law in the Dutch revolt / 1
DH186.N5413 2009 Treason in the Northern Quarter : War, Terror, and the Rule of Law in the Dutch Revolt. 2
DH186 .P37 1591 A Particuler, of the yeelding uppe of the Towne of Zutphen, and the beleagering of Deuenter. With the honourable enterprise of Sir Roger Williams, Knight: performed upon a thousande and two hundreth of the enemyes souldiours or leagors, lying at Cinque Saunce, nine leagues from Deepe: Who were all put to the sword, vpon Thursday before Witsonday last, being the xx. day of May, 1591. Seene and allowed. 1
DH186 .S43 1841 Friedrich von Schiller's Geschichte des abfalls der Vereinigten Niederlande / 1
DH186 .S433 1847i History of the revolt of the Netherlands trial and execution of Counts Egmont and Horn : and the seige of Antwerp / 1
DH186 .S87 1650 De bello Belgico The history of the Low-Countrey warres / 2
DH186 ebook Breve Historia de los Tercios de Flandes / 1