Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DH424 |
Erinnerungsorte in Belgien Instrumente lokaler, regionaler und nationaler Sinnstiftung. Les Parchemins de la tour : Roman. |
2 |
DH424 .B55 | Belgique, pays de plusieurs mondes / | 1 |
DH424 .B55 1965 | Belgique, pays de plusieurs mondes / | 1 |
DH424 .N5 | La Belgique / | 1 |
DH424 .N5 1952 | La Belgique / | 1 |
DH424 .O512 1956 | This is Belgium / | 1 |
DH424 .S8 | Belgium / | 1 |
DH424 .S8 1916a | Belgium / | 1 |
DH424 .T68 1911 | Panorama de la Belgique / | 1 |
DH430 .M87 1988 | The regional dynamics of language differentiation in Belgium : a study in cultural-political geography / | 1 |
DH431 (INTERNET) | Flanders, or, An exact and compendious description of that fair, great, and fat countrey of Flanders wherein the inhabitants, bounds, length, breadth, division, riches, rivers, forrests, cities, towns, and villages, castles, principalities, sea-ports, courts of justice, abbeys, with the chief estates are observed : as also a distinct relation of some battels fought and towns won unto the now victorious proceedings of the English and French armies therein, with the taking Mardike, Dunkerk, Winnoxbergh, Vuern, and Dixmude, to the present besieging of Graveling. | 1 |
DH431 .S75 | Journal of a tour in the Netherlands in the autumn of 1815 / | 1 |
DH433 .A6 1915 | The spell of Belgium / | 1 |
DH433 .O56 1908 | Belgium / | 1 |
DH434 .D44 1971 | Belgien, Luxemburg : die Küste, belgische Landschaft, flandrische städte, Wanderungen in Luxemburg; ein Reiseführer / | 1 |
DH451 .D45 | Essai dúne carte anthropologique préhistorique de la Belgioue à l'échelle de 1/20,000 : présentée a la Société d'Anthropologie de Bruxelles, dans la séance du 27 novembre 1887. | 1 |
DH471 | Dialogen over België : herinneringen, beelden, opvattingen / | 2 |
DH471 .B45 2002 | Belgian memories / | 1 |
DH471 .B46 2007 | La Belgique entre deux siècles : laboratoire de la modernité, 1880-1914 / | 1 |
DH471 .B76 | Belgian life in town and country / | 1 |