Call Number (LC) Title Results
DHT 11094 The Beauty of Physics. 1
DHT 11095 Air / 1
DHT 11096 Song without words : the photographs & diaries of Countess Sophia Tolstoy / 1
DHT 11097 The art of the American snapshot, 1888-1978 : from the collection of Robert E. Jackson / 1
DHT 11098 Paris - New York - Shanghai / 1
DHT 11100 Evidence of my existence / 1
DHT 11102 Chicago's Nelson Algren / 1
DHT 11103 I'm a real photographer : Keith Arnatt, photographs 1974-2002 / 1
DHT 11104 Hispaniola : a photographic journey through island biodiversity = biodiversidad a través de un recorrido fotográfico / 1
DHT 11105 Foto follies : how photography lost its virginity on the way to the bank / 1
DHT 11106 Florian Böhm : wait for walk / 1
DHT 11107 Marc Joseph : new and used / 1
DHT 11108 Towards a promised land / 1
DHT 11109 White planet, black heart / 1
DHT 11110 The Day of the Dead = Día de los Muertos / 1
DHT 11111 David Plowden : vanishing point : fifty years of photography / 1
DHT 11112 Identity : dress codes in European schools : London, Paris, Berlin, Barcelona, Milan, January 2004- April 2006 / 1
DHT 11113 Cinéma / 1
DHT 11114 Least wanted : a century of American mugshots / 1
DHT 11115 The U.S. Army in World War II : the stories behind the photos / 1