Call Number (LC) Title Results
DHT 299 Die Architektur der Förder- und Wassertürme [von] Bernhard und Hilla Becher. Heinrich Schönberg und Jan Werth: Die technische Entwicklung. 1
DHT 300 Fachwerkhäuser des Siegener Industriegebietes / 1
DHT 301 Water towers / 1
DHT 303 Fathers & sons : photographs / 1
DHT 304 Neues Wohnen, neues Bauen / 1
DHT 305 A land and life remembered : Americo-Liberian folk architecture / 1
DHT 306 Street people / 1
DHT 307 Die Puppe / 1
DHT 308 Hans Bellmer / 1
DHT 309 Hans Bellmer : photographe. 1
DHT 310 Hans Bellmer Photographien. 1
DHT 311 Le jeux de la poupée / 1
DHT 312 Storyville portraits : photographs from the New Orleans red-light district, circa 1912 / 1
DHT 313 The first time I saw England was as a high school exchange student : It was the year I grew up. 1
DHT 314 Photographs by Jim Bengston / 1
DHT 315 Slow motion / 1
DHT 316 In Schaffhausen / 1
DHT 317 Mannequins / 1
DHT 319 Camposantos : a photographic essay / 1
DHT 320 Lay this laurel : an album on the Saint-Gaudens memorial on Boston Common, honoring Black and white men together, who served the Union cause with Robert Gould Shaw and died with him July 18, 1863 / 1