Call Number (LC) Title Results
DHT 4897 Pictorial figure photography. 1
DHT 4898 Pictorial journalism / 1
DHT 4899 Pictorial landscape photography / 1
DHT 4900 Pictorial photography : exhibited at the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain, 1928, a critical dissertation. 1
DHT 4901-1903,4904-4905 OS Pictorial photography in America / 1
DHT 4906 Pictorial photography in Britain, 1900-1920 : [exhibition catalogue / 1
DHT 4907 Pictorial photography in Philadelphia : the Pennsylvania Academy's salons, 1898-1901 : March 9-April 18, 1984 / 1
DHT 4908 Pictorial photography : its principles and practice / 1
DHT 4909 Pictorialism in America : Minneapolis Salon of Photography, 1932-1946 : [an exhibition], the Minneapolis Institute of Art, January 15-April 3, 1983 / 1
DHT 4910 Pictorialismus in der Photographie : Austellung 2. April bis 4. August 1984, Le point, Schweizerische Kreditanstalt / 1
DHT 4911 Pictures and texts : Henry James, A.L. Coburn, and new ways of seeing in literary culture / 1
DHT 4913 Picturing California : a century of photographic genius / 1
DHT 4914 Picturing Minnesota, 1936-1943 : photographs from the Farm Security Administration / 1
DHT 4915 Pioneers of photography : an album of pictures and words / 1
DHT 4916 Pioneers of photography : their achievements in science and technology / 1
DHT 4917 Pioneers of Soviet photography / 1
DHT 4918 Place : New England perambulations / 1
DHT 4919 Plain pictures of plain doctoring / 1
DHT 4920 Platinum : eight contemporary photographers : [exhibition] Museum of Fine Arts, Springfield, Massachusetts, February 17-April 6, 1980. 1
DHT 4921 Playgirls von damals : 77 alte Postkarten / 1