DJ173.W34 J363 2008
Princely power in the Dutch Republic : patronage and William Frederick of Nassau (1613-64) / |
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DJ173.W7 L4
Jean De Witt : grand pensionnire de Hollande / |
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DJ173.W7 L4413 1885i
John De Witt, grand pensionary of Holland, or, Twenty years of a parliamentary republic |
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DJ173.W7 R68
John de Witt, grand pensionary of Holland, 1625-1672 / |
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DJ173.W7 .R68 1978eb
John de Witt, grand pensionary of Holland, 1625-1672 / |
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DJ173.W7 R682 1986
John de Witt, statesman of the "true freedom" / |
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DJ173.W7 S87
Strange newes from Holland being a true character of the country and people : with the putting to death of De Wit, and his brother the Ruward van Putten, by the burgers at the Hague ... : also the killing, wounding, and pulling down the houses of many of the old magistrates, of Roterdam and Delf / |
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DJ180 .B3
Capt. Badiley's reply to certaine declarations from Capt. Seamen, Cap. Ell, & Cap. Fisher as he found them divulged abroad in a fallacious pamphlet, called The remonstrance of the fight neer Legorn, between the English and the Dutch. : As also many other particulars, as they were presented to his Excellency the Lord General Cromwell, and the Right Honourable, the Councell of State. |
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DJ180 .E5
His Maiesties declaration to all his loving subjects, to preserve inviolable the securities by him given for moneys, and the due course of payments thereupon in the receipt of the Exchequer. |
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DJ180 .E5 1665
His Majesties declaration, touching his proceedings for reparation & satisfaction for several injuries, affronts and spoiles done by the East and West-India Companies, and other the subjects of the United Provinces. |
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DJ180 .E53 1664
His Majesties declaration, touching his proceedings for reparation & satisfaction for several injuries, affronts and spoiles done by the East and West-India Companies, and other the subjects of the United Provinces |
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DJ180 .E54 1654
Saturday April 22. 1654. By the Council at White--hal. Whereas a peace is made, concluded, and ratified, between his Highness the Lord Protector, and the States Generall of the United Provinces of the Low-Countries .. |
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DJ180 .E63 1665
By the King, a proclamation for prohibiting the importation or retailing of any commodities of the growth or manufacture of the states of the United Provinces |
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DJ180 .E9 1666
An exact narrative of the resolute attempt and happy success of a small part of His Majesties fleet, under the conduct of Sir Robert Holmes, Rere [sic]-Admiral to the Red Squadron, upon the isles of Vly and Skelling, on the ninth and tenth of this instant August, one thousand six hundred and sixty six. |
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DJ180 .G6 1664
A memorial delivered to His Majesty (July 21/31 1664.) From the Lord Van-Gohg, Ambassador from the States General of the United Provinces. / |
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DJ180 .L5 1665
A list of prizes taken and burnt in the fight, by his Highness Royal, from the States of the United Provinces, June 3. 1665. |
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DJ180 .M66 1653
Two letters from the fleet at sea, touching the late fight: |
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DJ180 .R69 1665
The royal victory obtained (with the providence of Almighty God) against the Dutch-fleet, June the 2d and 3d, 1665 ... to the tune of Packingtons pound. |
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DJ180 .S42 1665
A Second narrative of the signal victory which it pleased Almighty God to bestow upon His Majesties navy under the command of His Royal Highness the Duke of York, against the states-fleet of the United Neatherlands, on the third of June, 1665. |
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DJ180 .S5 1665
A short relation of the happy victory, obtained by His Majesties fleet against the Dutch, upon the third and fourth of June, one thousand six hundred and sixty five. |
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