Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DJ411.A57 M8 |
Amsterdam in the age of Rembrandt, Amsterdam in the age of Rembrandt / |
2 |
DJ411.A59 A47 2020 | Amsterdam's Canal District : origins, evolution, and future prospects / | 1 |
DJ411.A59 R4 | Traders, artists, burghers : a cultural history of Amsterdam in the 17th century / | 1 |
DJ411.B4 (INTERNET) | A iournall or daily register of all those warlike atchieuements which happened in the siege of Berghen-up-Zoome in the Low-countries betweene the armies of the Marquesse Spinola assaylants, and the Prince of Orange, defendants, of the said towne; together with the raising of the siege. In the end is added two letters, which discouer the errours fore-conceiued of the successe of that siege, and the after-designes of the Spanish armies, if they had taken in Bergen: with some particular accidents of warre, which were occasions of mirth to the beholders. All faithfully translated out of the original Low-Dutch copie. | 1 |
DJ411.B54 E35 2010 | Goede bedoelingen en modern wonen : fotonotities over de Bijlmer = Good intentions and modern housing : photo notes on an Amsterdam suburb / | 1 |
DJ411.B6 (INTERNET) | A true and briefe relation of the famous seige of Breda beseiged, and taken in vnder the able and victorious conduct of his Highnesse the Prince of Orange, captaine generall of the States armie, and admirall of the seas, &c. / | 1 |
DJ411.D35 | Making a Neolithic Non-Megalithic Monument : a TRB Burial Ground at Dalfsen (the Netherlands), c. 3000-2750 cal. BC / | 1 |
DJ411.D5 B73 1989 | Regents and rebels : the revolutionary world of an eighteenth-century Dutch City / | 1 |
DJ411.E33 C6 1960 | Eindhoven / | 1 |
DJ411.E54 A45 2015 | Enkhuizen au XVIIIe siècle : le déclin d'une ville maritime hollandaise / | 1 |
DJ411.G6 V3 | Earth could be fair : a chronicle / | 1 |
DJ411.G7 T7 1594 | The Articles of the giuing ouer of the large, ample, and imperiall cittie of Groning also the Articles and conditions, whervpon His Highnes, and the Honorable William Ludowick, Earle of Nassow, at this present, with the aduice of the counsell of the Estates of the Vnited Prouinces, are content to agree vnto, for reducing and reconciliation of the said cittie of Groning : likewise the agreement, concluded between His Highnes, and the chiefe lieutenant Laukema, with the captaines, commaunders, and common souldiours, beeing in garrison within the fore-sayd cittie / | 1 |
DJ411.H2 P44 1951 | Haarlem as it is. : Zó is Haarlem / | 1 |
DJ411.H42 | Verwerkt verleden: Helmond vanaf prehistorie tot nieuwe tijd. | 1 |
DJ411.H5 (INTERNET) | A historicall relation of the famous siege of the Busse, and the suprising of Wesell Together with the articles, and points of composition graunted by his Excellencie the Prince of Orange to those of the towne : and a supposition of the state, and order of their garrison marching out of the city : and some other additions herevnto annexed / | 1 |
DJ411.H5 T78 1629 | A True relation of this present siege of Shertoken-Busse or Boisleduc which was beleguered by the army of the States Generall, vnder the conduct of the Right Excellent the Prince of Orenge on the first of May, 1629 : the particulars of it receiued from a very good hand, who was present in the action, are these following : a description of the circumvallation which runnes round about the towne extending it selfe 20 miles in compasse, the seuerall quarters of the seuerall commanders, the names of the chiefest forts and sconces belonging as well to the towne as to the princes leaguer, a relation of the three sallyes made by the enemy and their successe, a list of the names of the chiefest commanders. | 1 |
DJ411.J66 M3513 2000 | Jorwerd : the death of the village in late twentieth-century Europe / | 1 |
DJ411.K584 H45 1987 | Medieval settlement and economy north of the lower Rhine : Archaeology and history of Kootwijk and the Veluwe (the Netherlands) / | 1 |
DJ411.M17 R534 2014 | De archeologische schatkamer Maaskant : Bewoning van het Noordoost-Brabantse rivierengebied tussen 3000 v. en 1500 n.chr. | 1 |
DJ411.M2 (INTERNET) | A iournall, of the taking in of Venlo, Roermont, Strale, the memorable seige of Mastricht, the towne & castle of Limburch vnder the able, and wise conduct of his Excie, the Prince of Orange, anno 1632 VVith an exact card drawne first by Charles Floyd (nowe ensigne) and since lessened and cutt by Henricus and Willihelmus Hondius dwelling by the Gevangen Port in the Hagh / | 1 |