DK131 .W75 2010
Peter the Great / |
1 |
DK131 Çb C73 2006eb
The Revolution of Peter the Great / |
1 |
DK131 ǂb C73 2006eb
The Revolution of Peter the Great / |
1 |
DK132 .D42 1980
Fire and water : a life of Peter the Great / |
3 |
DK132 .R53 1985
The image of Peter the Great in Russian history and thought / |
2 |
DK132.R53 1985 DK132 .R53 1985eb
The Image of Peter the Great in Russian History and Thought. |
2 |
DK132 .S8 1968
Originalanekdoten von Peter dem Grossen : aus dem Munde angesehener Personen zu Moskau und Petersburg vernommen und der Vergessenheit entrissen. |
1 |
DK132 .S813 1970
Original anecdotes of Peter the Great. |
1 |
The State of Russia Under the Present Czar. |
1 |
DK133 .A5513 1993
The reforms of Peter the Great : progress through coercion in Russia / |
1 |
DK133 .B87 2001
Peter the Great : the struggle for power, 1671-1725 / |
1 |
DK133 .B87 2001eb
Peter the Great : the struggle for power, 1671-1725 / |
2 |
DK133 .C65 2012
The Petrine instauration : religion, esotericism and science at the court of Peter the Great, 1689-1725 / |
2 |
DK133 .C74 2004eb
The Petrine revolution in Russian culture / |
1 |
DK133 .D58
Modernization of Russia under Peter I and Catherine II. |
1 |
DK133 .P444 2001
Peter the Great and the West : new perspectives / |
1 |
DK133 .S27 2022
Russian notions of power and state in a European perspective, 1462-1725 : assessing the significance of Peter's reign / |
3 |
DK133 .Z58 2004
The transfigured kingdom : sacred parody and charismatic authority at the court of Peter the Great / |
1 |
DK133 .Z58 2004eb
The Transfigured Kingdom : Sacred Parody and Charismatic Authority at the Court of Peter the Great / |
1 |
DK133 Çb C74 2004eb
The Petrine Revolution in Russian Culture / |
1 |