Call Number (LC) Title Results
DK18.65 .S6413 1993 A time to gather stones : essays / 2
DK18.65 .S6413 1993b A time to gather stones : essays / 1
DK18.7 .K33 1997 Some materials for the study of the historical geography of Russia of the 18th and early 19th centuries in the archives and libraries of Moscow and St. Petersburg / 1
DK18.7 .W53 The Russian frontier : the impact of borderlands upon the course of early Russian history / 1
DK18.8 .S68 1990 The Soviet Union : a systematic geography / 2
DK19 MUSCOVY russia through foreign eyes 1553-1900. 1
DK19 .B4 Rude & barbarous kingdom : Russia in the accounts of sixteenth-century English voyagers / 1
DK19 .B47 1968eb Rude & barbarous kingdom : Russia in the accounts of sixteenth-century English voyagers / 1
DK19 .C76 Russia under Western eyes, 1517-1825 / 1
DK19 .F6 Voyageurs en Russie : textes choisis du Xe au XXe siècle. 1
DK20 .U4 Sarmacja : studium z problematyki słowiańskiej xv i xvi w. 1
DK21 Early Voyages and Travels to Russia and Persia by Anthony Jenkinson and other Englishmen : With some Account of the First Intercourse of the English with Russia and Central Asia by Way of the Caspian Sea.
Notes upon Russia : being a translation of the earliest account of that country entitled Rerum Muscoviticarum commentarii /
DK21 .D57 1968 Der Russland-Exkurs des Lanonikos Chalkokondyles : Interpretiert und mit Erläuterungen versehen. 1
DK21 .F54 The history of Russia, or, The government of the Emperour of Muscovia with the manners and fashions of the people of that countrey / 2
DK21 .F54 2010 Russia at the close of the sixteenth century : comprising the treatise Of the Russe Common Wealth by Giles Fletcher, and the Travels of Sir Jerome Horsey ; now for the first time printed entire from his own manuscript / 1
DK21 .F57 1591a Of the Russe Commonwealth. 1
DK21 .F57 1966 Of the Rus Commonwealth / 1
DK21 .G313 1968 England and Russia: comprising the voyages of John Tradescant the Elder, Sir Hugh Willoughby, Richard Chancellor, Nelson, and others to the White Sea / 1
DK21.G85 K8 Toponomastyka Gvaninusa z 1611 r. 1
DK21 .H3613 2013eb England and Russia : comprising the voyages of John Tradescant the Elder, Sir Hugh Willoughby, Richard Chancellor, Nelson, and others to the White Sea / 1