Call Number (LC) Title Results
DK25 .C59 1970 Travels to Russia, Tartary, and Turkey. 1
DK25.C973 G78 1991 The scar of revolution : Custine, Tocqueville, and the romantic imagination / 1
DK25 .C98 1951 Journey for our time : the journals of the Marquis de Custine / 1
DK25 .C9819 Pravda pro Rosi︠i︡u / 1
DK25 .C982513 1991 Letters from Russia / 1
DK25.C986 K45 The Marquis de Custine and his Russia in 1839,
The Marquis de Custine and his Russia in 1839 /
DK25 .H18 Cesta na Rus / 1
DK25 .H21 The Russian empire : its people, institutions and resources / 1
DK25 .H213 1856a The Russian Empire: its people, institutions, and resources 1
DK25 .H213 1856i The Russian empire, its people, institutions and resources 1
DK25 .H213 1972 Studies on the interior of Russia.
Studies on the interior of Russia /
DK25 .H22 Études sur la situation intérieure : la vie nationale et les institutions rurales de la Russie / 1
DK25 .H38 1949 Obrazy z Rus. 1
DK25 .H72 1970 New Russia. 1
DK25 .J73 1970 Travels through part of the Russian Empire. 1
DK25 .K73 1842 Russia : St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kharkoff, Riga, Odessa, the German provinces on the Baltic, the steppes, the Crimea, and the interior of the empire. 1
DK25 .M43 1970 St. Petersburg and Moscow / 1
DK25 .O47 1970 The Russian shores of the Black Sea. 1
DK25 .W53 1970 Travels in Russia. 1
DK26 Beyond Holy Russia : the life and times of Stephen Graham / 4