Call Number (LC) Title Results
DK266.A2 S59 Soviet periodical abstracts. 1
DK266.A2 S6 Soviet press translations. 1
DK266.A2 S7 Soviet Russia pictorial 1
DK266.A2 S74 Soviet studies.
Europe-Asia studies.
Europe-Asia studies
DK266.A2 S753 The Soviet and post-soviet review. 1
DK266.A2 S78 Sowjet Studien. 1
DK266.A2 S84 SSSR, vnutrennie protivorechi︠i︡a. 1
DK266.A2 S85 Svoboda. : Freiheit. Swoboda. 1
DK266.A2 U11 Russian life. 1
DK266.A2 U16 USSR and third world. 1
DK266.A2 V2 Socialist construction in the USSR /
VOKS bulletin.
DK266.A2 W67 1990 New directions in Soviet history / 1
DK266.A3 B54 B︠i︡elyĭ arkhiv. 1
DK266.A3 B68 1984 British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print. 1
DK266.A3 B74 The Soviet experience : success or failure? / 1
DK266.A3 C53 1998eb Institutions of isolation : border controls in the Soviet Union and its successor states, 1917-1993 / 2
DK266.A3 C97 Current Soviet documents.
Soviet documents.
DK266.A3 F6 The Soviet Union, 1922-1962 : a Foreign affairs reader / 1
DK266. A3 .G64 1980 Goebbels speaks at Nürnberg / 1
DK266.A3 H4 The U.S.S.R. after 50 years : promise and reality / 1