Call Number (LC) Title Results
DK288 .M68 1990 Sovietology, rationality, nationality : coming to grips with nationalism in the USSR / 2
DK288 .M87 1996 A democracy of despots / 1
DK288 .M88 1997 Russia's transition to democracy : an internal political history, 1989-1996 / 1
DK288 .N37 1990 The Nationalities question in the Soviet Union / 2
DK288 .N38 1988 The Gorbachev strategy : opening the closed society / 1
DK288 .N45 1997 The collapse of the Soviet Empire : a view from Riga / 1
DK288 .N64 1996 Russian politics : the struggle for a new order / 2
DK288 .N64 1997 Russian politics : the struggle for a new order / 1
DK288 .P458 1990 Perestrojka : Zwischenbilanz / 1
DK288 .P46 1989 Perestroika : how new is Gorbachev's new thinking? /
Perestroika, how new is Gorbachev's new thinking? : the challenge by Mikhail Gorbachev, responses from Zbigniew Brezinski ... [and others] /
DK288 .P4645 1991 Perestroika : the historical perspective / 2
DK288 .P467 2010 Perestroika : process and consequences / 1
DK288 .P47 1990 Perestroĭka and the nationality question in the USSR / 1
DK288 .P65 1989 Politics and the Soviet system : essays in honour of Frederick C. Barghoorn / 1
DK288 .P66 1989 Politics, society, and nationality inside Gorbachev's Russia / 1
DK288 .R46 1993 Lenin's tomb : the last days of the Soviet Empire / 1
DK288 .R69 1992 The second Russian revolution : the struggle for power in the Kremlin / 1
DK288 .R87 1991 The fate of the party apparatus under Gorbachev / 1
DK288 .R89 1992 Russia in flux : the political and social consequences of reform / 1
DK288 .S225 2014 KSZE-Prozess und Perestroika in der Sowjetunion : Demokratisierung, Werteumbruch und Auflösung 1985-1991 / 1