Call Number (LC) Title Results
DK292 .R86 2015eb Russia at the barricades : eyewitness accounts of the August 1991 coup / 1
DK292 .R87 1992 Russia changes : the events of August 1991 and the Russian Constitution / 1
DK292 .V47 1999 A very Russian coup 1
DK292 .V65 1992 Mosca : i giorni della fine / 1
DK293 Russia's Imperial Endeavor and Its Geopolitical Consequences : The Russia-Ukraine War.
A Culture of Discontinuity? Russian Cultural Debates in Historical Perspective.
Popular Geopolitics and Nation Branding in the Post-Soviet Realm
Security Dynamics in the Former Soviet Bloc /
The territories of the Russian Federation 2016.
The territories of the Russian Federation 2017
Limiting institutions? : the challenge of Eurasian security governance /
Reshaping regional relations : Asia-Pacific and the former Soviet Union /
Russia and Eastern Europe after communism : the search for new political, economic, and security systems /
The post-Soviet conflicts : the thirty years' crisis /
After the Breakup of a Multi-Ethnic Empire : Russia, Successor States and Eurasian Security.
Legal change in post-communist states : progress, reversions, explanations /
Alternative globalizations : Eastern Europe and the postcolonial world /
Incomplete secession after unresolved conflicts : political order and escalation in the post-Soviet space /
DK293 .A38 1992 After the Soviet Union : from empire to nations / 1
DK293 .A38 1993 After the Soviet Union : from empire to nations / 1
DK293 .A433 2013 Histoire et Mémoire Dans l'espace Postsoviétique Le Passé Qui Encombre. 1
DK293 .A44 2020 Alternative globalizations : Eastern Europe and the postcolonial world / 1
DK293 .B57 2002 After the breakup of a multi-ethnic empire : Russia, successor states, and Eurasian security / 1
DK293 .B67 2022 The sources of Russian foreign policy assertiveness / 1
DK293 .C52 2017 Re-emerging Russia : structures, institutions and processes / 1
DK293 .C52 2017eb Re-emerging Russia : structures, institutions and processes / 1
DK293 .C654 1997 Coming together or falling apart? : regionalism in the former Soviet Union / 1
DK293 .C656 1998 Commonwealth and independence in post-Soviet Eurasia / 1
DK293 .C659 2003 The construction and deconstruction of national histories in Slavic Eurasia / 1
DK293 .C66 1995 Contested territory : border disputes at the edge of the former Soviet empire / 1
DK293 .C68 2001 Close protection : the politics of guarding Russia's rulers / 1
DK293 .D38 1994 Russia and the new states of Eurasia : the politics of upheaval / 1
DK293 .D38 1994eb Russia and the new states of Eurasia : the politics of upheaval / 1