Call Number (LC) Title Results
DK38 .C45 An introduction to nineteenth-century Russian Slavophilism : a study in ideas / 1
DK38 .C64 1996 Russian imperialism : development and crisis / 1
DK38 .C66 2011 Russia before the "radiant future" : essays in modern history, culture, and society / 1
DK38 .C66 2011eb Russia before the "radiant future" : essays in modern history, culture, and society / 1
DK38 .D38 1989 Soviet history in the Gorbachev revolution / 1
DK38 .E48 1997 Empire and society : new approaches to Russian history / 1
DK38 .G333 Historiographie russe hors de la Russie : introduction à l'histoire de la Russie / 1
DK38 .H35 2022 The Rise and Demise of the Myth of the Rus' Land / 1
DK38 .H42 Politics and history in the Soviet Union. 2
DK38 .H42 1973 Politics and history in the Soviet Union / 1
DK38 .H57 1999 Historiography of imperial Russia : the profession and writing of history in a multinational state / 1
DK38 .H7 1966 The traditional scheme of "Russian" history and the problem of a rational organization of the history of the East Slavs / 1
DK38 .I49 Istori︠i︡a Rossii v osveshchenii revol︠i︡u︠t︡sionerov-demokratov. 1
DK38 .I8 Istochnikovedenie istorii SSSR : kurs istochnikovedeni︠i︡a istorii SSSR. 1
DK38 .I83 Istochnikovedenie istorii SSSSR dev︠i︡atnad︠t︡satogo-nachala dvad︠t︡satogo veka. : [Ucheb. posobie dl︠i︡a ist. fak. / 1
DK38 .K55 1871a Drevnerusski︠i︡a zhiti︠i︡a sv︠i︡atykh istoricheskiĭ istochnikʹʹ / 1
DK38 .K55 1968 Drevnerusski︠i︡a zhiti︠i︡a sv︠i︡atykh istoricheskiĭ istochnikʹʹ / 1
DK38 .K68 1984 Ėsteticheskie i literaturnye vozzreni︠i︡a russkikh slav︠i︡anofilov : 1840-1850-e gody / 1
DK38 .L48 1966 Russkie letopisi i ikh kulʹturno-istoricheskoe znachenie. 1
DK38 .L5 Letopisanie Vladimiro-Suzdalʹskoĭ Rusi. 1