Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DK4 .Z5 | Wissenschaft am Scheidewege. : Kritische Beiträge über Slawistik, Literaturwissenschaft und Ostforschung in Westdeutschland / | 1 |
DK5 .G7 2001 | Sochineni︠i︡a / | 1 |
DK5 .K43 1995 | Power and the people : essays on Russian history / | 1 |
DK5 .K56 | Sbornik stateĭ | 1 |
DK5 .K57 | Sochineni︠i︡a. | 1 |
DK5 .K67 1903a | Sobranīe sochinenīĭ N.I. Kostomarova : istoricheskī︠i︡a monografīi i izslĭ︡edovani︠i︡a. | 1 |
DK5 .P58 | Izbrannye proizvedeni︠i︡a. | 1 |
DK5 .P653 1970 |
Russia in world history; selected essays. Russia in world history : selected essays / |
2 |
DK5 .R239 1998 | Sochineni︠i︡a v semi tomakh / | 1 |
DK14 .B3 1865a | Materialy dl︠i︡a istoriko-geograficheskago slovar︠i︡a Rossii : [ 1. Geograficheskiĭ slovarʹ russkoĭ zemli, IX-XIV st.] / | 1 |
DK14 .B5 | An accented dictionary of place names in the Soviet Union / | 1 |
DK14 .C35 1982 | The Cambridge encyclopedia of Russia and the Soviet Union / | 2 |
DK14 .C35 1994 | The Cambridge encyclopedia of Russia and the former Soviet Union / | 1 |
DK14 .E53 2004 | Encyclopedia of Russian history / | 2 |
DK14 .H67 | Novyĭ i polnyĭ geograficheskīĭ slovarʹ Rossīĭskago gosudarstva, ili leksikonʺ ... obshirnoĭ imperīi Rossiĭskoĭ vʺ nyn︠i︡eshnemʺ e︠i︡a sosto︠i︡anīi, vʺ ︠t︡sarstvovanīe imperatri︠t︡sy Ekateriny Velikī︠i︡a novoustroennomʺ | 1 |
DK14 .M26 |
Memoirs of the life of Philip Dormer, fourth Earl of Chesterfield : with numerous letters now first published from the Newcastle papers / McGraw-Hill encyclopedia of Russia and the Soviet Union / |
2 |
DK14 .M38 1962a | Information U.S.S.R. : an authoritative encyclopaedia about the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics / | 1 |
DK14 .M6 | The Modern encyclopedia of Russian and Soviet history / | 34 |
DK14 .M62 1995 | The Supplement to the modern encyclopedia of Russian, Soviet and Eurasian history / | 1 |
DK14 .P39 2001 | Imperial Russia : a reference handbook / | 1 |