Call Number (LC) Title Results
DK510.766.P87 L43 2013 Can Russia modernise? : sistema, power networks and informal governance /
Can Russia Modernise? : Sistema, Power Networks and Informal Governance.
DK510.766.P87 N36 2016 Not by bread alone : Russian foreign policy under Putin / 1
DK510.766.P87 N36 2016eb Not by bread alone : Russian foreign policy under Putin / 1
DK510.766.P87 P75 2007 DVD La prise du pouvoir par Vladimir Poutine / 1
DK510.766.P87 P75 2014b La prise du pouvoir par Vladimir Poutine = How Putin came to power / 2
DK510.766.P87 P88 2012eb Putin as celebrity and cultural icon
Putin as celebrity and cultural icon /
DK510.766.P87 P88 2013 Putin as celebrity and cultural icon / 1
DK510.766.P87 P88 2021 Putin's witnesses / 1
DK510.766.P87 R63 2021 The strongman : Vladimir Putin and the struggle for Russia / 1
DK510.766.P87 S525 2020 The red mirror : Putin's leadership and Russia's insecure identity / 3
DK510.766.P87 T388 2018 The Code of Putinism / 1
DK510.766.P87T39 2010 State building in Putin's Russia : policing and coercion after communism / 2
DK510.766.P87 T39 2011 State building in Putin's Russia : policing and coercion after communism / 1
DK510.766.P87 Y34 2020 Between two fires : truth, ambition, and compromise in Putin's Russia / 2
DK510.766.Z48 A3 1993b O sudʹbakh Rossii / 1
DK510.766.Z48 A3 1996 My struggle : the explosive views of Russia's most controversial political figure / 2
DK510.766.Z48 K37 1995 !Zhirinovsky! / 2
DK510.766.Z48 S65 1995 Zhirinovsky : Russian fascism and the making of a dictator / 2
DK510.766.Z58 A3 1997 My Russia the political autobiography of Gennady Zyuganov /
My Russia : the political autobiography of Gennady Zyuganov /