Call Number (LC) Title Results
DK651.N506 B57 1981 Lord Novgorod the Great : essays in the history and culture of a medieval city-state / 1
DK651.N506 L67 2005 Accounts of an occupied city : catalogue of the Novgorod occupation archives, 1611-1617 / 1
DK651.N506 M3 Kniga pist︠s︡ovai︠a︡ po Novgorodu Velikomu kont︠s︡a XVI v / 1
DK651.N506 N588 2006 Die Novgoroder Namenlandschaft zu Beginn des 17. Jahrhunderts / 1
DK651.N506 P63 1987 Novgorod, 1917-1941 : vospominani︠i︡a / 1
DK651.N506 P7 Velikiĭ Novgorod v XVI veke : ocherk so︠t︡sialʹno-ėkonomicheskoĭ i politicheskoĭ istorii russkogo goroda / 1
DK651.N506 T4 Novgorod the Great : excavations at the medieval city directed by A. V. Artsikhovsky and B. A. Kolchin / 1
DK651.N506 W66 2007 Wood use in medieval Novgorod / 1
DK651.N666 D38 2018 Myth making in the Soviet Union and modern Russia : remembering World War II in Brezhnev's hero city / 1
DK651.N72 H7 [Nazvoznavchi materi︠i︡aly z Halychyny : Nove Selo, L︠i︡ubachivshchyna. (romanized form)] 1
DK651.O2 H47 1986 Odessa : a history, 1794-1914 / 1
DK651.O2 O2415 Odessa = Odesa / 1
DK651.O2 O317 Odessa : ocherk istorii goroda-geroi︠a︡ / 1
DK651.O47 K5 Odry cmentarzysko kurhanowe z okresu rzymskiego w powiecie chojnickim / 1
DK651.O68 L35 1985 Orkheĭ = Orgeev = Orgeev / 1
DK651.P23 K8313 Pavlovsk : palace & park / 1
DK651.P36 A7 Pere︠i︡aslav-Khmelʹni︠t︡skiĭ i ego istoricheskie pam︠i︡atniki / 1
DK651.P52 M67 2004 Attic fine pottery of the archaic to Hellenistic periods in Phanagoria / 1
DK651.P52.M67 2004eb Attic Fine Pottery of the Archaic to Hellenistic Periods in Phanagoria : Phanagoria Studies, Volume 1. 1
DK651.P595 P52 Pidha︠i︡e︠t︡sʹka zeml︠i︡a : istorychno-memuarnyĭ zbirnyk / 1