Call Number (LC) Title Results
DK67.5.S3 H3 Die Sowjetunion, Finnland und Skandinavien : 1945-1955; zwei Berichte zu den internationalen Beziehungen der Nachkriegszeit / 1
DK67.5.S3 I8 Istoricheskie sv︠i︡azi Skandinavii i Rossii IX-XX vv. : sbornik stateĭ / 1
DK67.5.S3 R87 2019 Russian revolutions of 1917 : Scandinavian perspectives / 1
DK67.5.S7 F766 2006 Frontera y comunicación cultural entre España y Rusia : una perspectiva interdisciplinar / 1
DK67.5.S9 G8 Sowjetkommunismus im Spiegel der "Neue Zürcher Zeitung" : Beitrag zum Verständnis des Ost-West-Problems auf Grund der geschichtlich entstandenen Situation in der Sowjetunion. 1
DK67.5.S9 S45 Diplomacy and revolution: the Soviet mission to Switzerland, 1918. 1
DK67.5.S95 K37 1990 Soviet policy towards Syria since 1970 / 2
DK67.5.T9 T35 2016 Tsar and Sultan : Russian encounters with the Ottoman Empire / 1
DK67.5.U38 S98 2000 Russia, Ukraine, and the breakup of the Soviet Union / 2
DK67.5.U38S98 2000 Russia, Ukraine, and the Breakup of the Soviet Union. 1
DK67.5.Y8 A6 Obshchestvenno-politicheskie i kulʹturnye sv︠i︡azi narodov SSSR i ︠I︡Ugoslavii : sbornik stateĭ / 1
DK67.7.I55 R49 The Soviet Union and Iran : Soviet policy in Iran from the beginnings of the Pahlavi Dynasty until the Soviet invasion in 1941 / 1
DK67.7.S95 R36 1990 The Soviet-Syrian relationship since 1955 : a troubled alliance / 1
DK67.7.T9 K87 2017 Russian-Turkish relations from the First World War to the present / 1
DK68 Stalin, Japan, and the struggle for supremacy over China, 1894-1945 /
Russia in the Indo-Pacific : new approaches to Russian foreign policy /
DK68.A1 B3 1966 Russia, Mongolia, China : being some record of the relations between them from the beginning of xviith century to the death of the Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. 1
DK68.A2 B3 1960 Russia, Mongolia, China : being some record of the relations between them from the beginning of xviith century to the death of the Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. 1
DK68 .E85 Soviet Russia and the East, 1920-1927. 1
DK68 .J6 Russia in the East, 1876-1880 : the Russo-Turkish War and the Kuldja crisis as sen through the leteers of A.G Jomini to N.K. Giers / 1
DK68 .L45 Russia's eastward expansion. 1