Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DK72 .M58 1988 | Obrazovanie Kievskoĭ Rusi i ee gosudarstvennosti : vremena do kn︠i︡az︠i︡a Ki︠i︡a i posle nego / | 1 |
DK72 .O25 | Ocherki istorii SSSR : Krizis rabovladel'cheskoĭ sistemy i zapozhdenie feodalizma na teppitorii SSSR III-IX vv. / | 1 |
DK72 .S6 | Le nom byzantin de la Russie. | 1 |
DK72 .V4 | The origins of Russia. | 1 |
DK73 |
Reimagining Europe : Kievan Rus' in the medieval world / The Kingdom of Rus' / |
3 |
DK73 .C44 1972 | Opisanie voĭny velikago kn︠i︡az︠i︡a Sv︠i︡atoslava Igorevicha protiv bolgar i grekov v 967-971 godakh / | 1 |
DK73 .D54 2016 | Power politics in Kievan Rusʹ : Vladimir Monomakh and his dynasty, 1054-1246 / | 1 |
DK73 .F73 1996 |
The emergence of Rus : 750-1200 / The emergence of Rus, 750-1200 / |
2 |
DK73 .F73 2014 | Emergence of Rus 750-1200, The | 1 |
DK73 .H36 2014 | The nature and the image of princely power in Kievan Rus', 980-1054 : a study of sources / | 2 |
DK73 .P5 1967 | Ansätze zum geschichtlichen und politischen Denken im Kiewer Russland. | 1 |
DK73 .R238 2017 | The Kingdom of Rus' / | 1 |
DK73 .R24 2012 | Reimagining Europe : Kievan Rus' in the medieval world / | 1 |
DK73 .R24 2012eb | Reimagining Europe : Kievan Rus' in the medieval world / | 1 |
DK73 .S5 | Mi︠z︡hnarodni zvʹ︠i︡azky Kyïvsʹkoï Rusi : z istoriï zovnishnʹoï polityky Rusi v period utvorenn︠i︡a i zmitsnenn︠i︡a Drevnʹo-rusʹkoï der︠z︡haby v vii-x st. | 1 |
DK73 .S84 2020 | The Varangians : in God's holy fire / | 1 |
DK73 .Z3 | [Zakon sudnyĭ l︠i︡udem / | 1 |
DK73 .Z35 | Zakon sudnyĭ l︠i︡udem : prostrannoĭ i svodnoĭ redak︠t︡sii / | 1 |
DK75 .B65 1988 | Saint Volodymyr the beautiful sun : grand prince of Kiev, 958-1015 / | 1 |
DK75 .H35 | The conversion of St. Vladimir : a legend from early Russian history / | 1 |