Call Number (LC) Title Results
DR1 .R257 The new voice of Radio Free Europe. 1
DR1 .R45 Revue internationale des études balkaniques. 1
DR1 .R48 Revue des études sud-est européennes. 1
DR1 .S44 1970aa The people's democracies after Prague: Soviet hegemony, nationalism, regional integration? : Les démocraties populaires après Prague: Hégémonie soviétique, nationalisme, intégration régionale? / 1
DR1 .S6 Survey.
Soviet survey.
Soviet survey /
DR1 .S842a Südosteuropa-Mitteilungen.
Mitteilungen der Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft.
DR1 .S85 Südosteuropa-Mitteilungen.
Mitteilungen der Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft.
DR1 .V54 Berichte des Forschungs-Institutes für Osten und Orient. 1
DR1 .Z36 Zbornik Matice srpske za istoriju - Matica srpska, Odeljenje za društvene nauke = Proceedings in history / Matica Srpska, Department of Social Sciences.
Zbornik za istoriju.
DR1 .Z45 Zeitschrift für Balkanologie. 1
DR1 .Z47 Zeitschrift für osteuropäische Geschichte. 1
DR1.5 .B35 1998 Balkan currents : studies in the history, culture and society of a divided land / 1
DR1.5 .I57 1969 Aspects of the Balkans : continuity and change. Contributions to the International Balkan Conference held at UCLA, October 23-28, 1969 / 1
DR1.5 .P66 1981 Ponovi proučuvanja na Jugoistočna Evropa = Neuere Erforschungen Südosteuropas / 1
DR2 .B89 Iz vzaimo otnosheni︠i︡ata na balkanskite narodi / 1
DR2 .E16 East central Europe. : L'Europe du centre-est. 1
DR2 .I6 Indiana Slavic studies. 1
DR2 .I65 1965aa Eastern Europe in transition. : [Papers] / 1
DR2 .N65 Šišićev zbornik : mélanges Šišić. Zbornik naučnih radova Ferdi Šišiću povodom šezdesetgodišnjice živta, 1869-1929, posvećuju prijatelji, štovatelji i učenici. 1
DR2 .S65 Southeastern Europe = L'Europe du Sud-Est. 1