Call Number (LC) Title Results
DR521 .I38 1607 A Iewes prophesy, with newes from Rome of two mightie armies, aswell footemen as horsmen, the first of the great Sophy, the other of an Hebrew people, till this time not discouered, comming from the mountaines of Caspij, who pretend their warre is to recouer the land of promise, & expell the Turks out of Christendome / 1
DR521 .N67 2017 Plural pasts : power, identity and the Ottoman sieges of Nagykanizsa Castle / 1
DR521 .T71 1601 A True relation of taking of Alba-Regalis in the German tongue, called Sfullweissenburgh [sic], the chiefe cittie in Nether-Hungarie, which was taken by the Christian armie, the twentith [sic] of September last past, 1601 / 1
DR523 .G69 1983 The Great Anatolian Rebellion, 1000-1020 / 1591-1611 / 1
DR523 (INTERNET) The history of the vvarres betvveene the Turkes and the Persians 1
DR523 .M6613 2019 The War between the Turks and the Persians : conflict and religion in the Safavid and Ottoman worlds / 1
DR525 (INTERNET) A true relation of taking of Alba-Regalis in the German tongue, called Sfullweissenburgh [sic], the chiefe cittie in Nether-Hungarie, which was taken by the Christian armie, the twentith [sic] of September last past, 1601 /
The Ottoman of Lazaro Soranzo VVherein is deliuered aswell a full and perfect report of the might and power of Mahamet the third, great Emperour of the Turkes now raigning : together with the interestes and dealinges which he hath with sondrie other princes, what hee is plotting against the state of Christendome, and on the other side what we may practise and put in execution against him to his great damage and annoyaunce : as also a true description of diuers peoples, countries, citties and voyages, which are most necessarie to bee knowen, especially at this time of the present warre in Hungarie /
DR526 .B6513 1996 The Sultan's seraglio : an intimate portrait of life at the Ottoman court : from the seventeenth-century edition of John [i.e. Robert] Withers / 1
DR526 .L38 2006 The later Ottoman Empire, 1603-1839
The later Ottoman Empire, 1603-1839 /
DR527 (INTERNET) A true and faithfull relation, presented to his Maiestie and the prince, of what hath lately happened in Constantinople, concerning the death of Sultan Osman, and the setting vp of Mustafa his vncle together with other memorable occurrents worthy of obseruation. 1
DR528 .T78 A true relation of the murther of Osman the great Turke, and five of his principal bashawes, and of the election and coronation of Mustapha his vnckle in his stead. : With a continuation of all the principall occurents in the Palatinate and else-where, from the 13 of Iune till this present 4 of Iuly. 1
DR531 From slaves to prisoners of war : the Ottoman Empire, Russia, and international law / 1
DR531 .B37 2008 Empire of difference : the Ottomans in comparative perspective / 1
DR531 .B37 2008eb Empire of difference : the Ottomans in comparative perspective / 1
DR531 .H38 2005 Beshir Agha : chief eunuch of the Ottoman imperial harem / 1
DR531 .M46 2017eb The first of the modern Ottomans : the intellectual history of Ahmed Vasif / 1
DR531 .N59 2014 Ottoman high politics and the ulema household / 1
DR531 .S65 2018i From slaves to prisoners of war the Ottoman Empire, Russia, and international law / 1
DR531.S94 A4 1953 The despatches of Sir Robert Sutton : Ambassador in Constantinople, 1710-1714 / 1
DR531 .T84 2017 Politics of honor in Ottoman Anatolia : sexual violence and socio-legal surveillance in the eighteenth century / 1