Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS102.8 .U5 Guide The Universal Jewish encyclopedia. : The seven-branched light. A reading guide and index to the Universal Jewish encyclopedia / 1
DS102.8 V3 Vallentine's Jewish encyclopaedia / 1
DS102.8 .W4 Judaísmo contemporáneo ; obra enciclopédica acerca de la situación actual de los judíos en todos los países del mundo, con estudios de las corrientes religiosas, políticas, sociales, artísticas, culturales que los afectan / 1
DS102.9 .G76 2008 Jewish museums of the world : [masterpieces of Judaica] / 1
DS102.95 A changingIsrael : a startling look at the new political, economic, and social realities in Israel today /
The Jewish Wars.
American public opinion toward Israel : from consensus to divide /
The other Zions : the lost histories of Jewish nations /
Critical essays on Israeli social issues and scholarship /
Niveauverhoging door samenwerkend leren.
Landscape and Ideology : Reinterment of Renowned Jews in the Land of Israel (1904-1967)
DS102.95 .A43 1996 The Jewish wars : reflections by one of the belligerents / 1
DS102.95 .A478 1988 ʻAm boneh erets 1
DS102.95 .B373 2005  
DS102.95 .B66 1988 vol. 4 Critical essays on Israeli society, religion, and government / 2
DS102.95 .B66 1988 vol. 4eb Critical essays on Israeli society, religion, and government / 2
DS102.95 .B66 1988eb Books on Israel. 1
DS102.95 .B66 vol. 5 Review essays in Israel studies / 1
DS102.95 .B66 vol. 6 Traditions and transitions in Israel studies / 1
DS102.95 .B662 1991eb Critical essays on Israeli society, politics, and culture / 1
DS102.95 .C43 1986 Heroes and hustlers, hard hats and holy men : inside the new Israel / 1
DS102.95 .C85 2002 Cultures of the Jews : a new history / 1
DS102.95 .D447 2013eb Conservative party attitudes to Jews, 1900-1950 / 1
DS102.95 .D45 2001 Conservative Party attitudes to Jews, 1900-1950 / 1
DS102.95 G346 2019 Jews and Judaism in the Rabbinic Era Image and Reality - History and Historiography. 1
DS102.95 .G76 1985 A changing Israel / 1