Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS110.J8 S353 1998 The cave of the warrior a fourth millennium burial in the Judean desert / 2
DS110.K22 K46 2002 Tel Kabri : the 1986-1993 excavation seasons / 1
DS110.K27 A53 1986 The Mountain of God : Har Karkom / 1
DS110.K316 D35 2011 Unsettling Gaza : secular liberalism, radical religion, and the Israeli settlement project / 1
DS110.K555 G65 2003 Salvage excavations at the early Bronze Age site of Qiryat Ata 2
DS110.L3 G63 1965 The signal fires of Lachish / 1
DS110.L3 G83 1965 The signal fires of Lachish / 1
DS110.L3 M34 2006 A researcher's guide to the Lachish Collection in the British Museum / 1
DS110.L37 F74 2004 Secrets of the Cave of Letters : rediscovering a Dead Sea mystery / 1
DS110.L9 Y33 2009 The Jewish-Arab city : spatio-politics in a mixed community / 1
DS110.L9Y33 2009 DS110.L9 The Jewish-Arab City : Spatio-Politics in a Mixed Community. 1
DS110.L9 Y33 2009eb The Jewish-Arab city : spatio-politics in a mixed community / 1
DS110.M218 M34 2015 Christians and Christianity. 1
DS110.M276 Tel MalḼata : a central city in the Biblical Negev / 1
DS110.M3 K56 2003eb Maresha excavations final report. 2
DS110.M3 M37 2008eb Maresha excavations final report : hellenistic terracotta figurines from the 1989-1996 seasons / 1
DS110.M324 K563 2010eb Maresha excavations final report III epigraphic finds from the 1989-2000 seasons / 2
DS110.M33 B46 1995 The Masada myth : collective memory and mythmaking in Israel / 1
DS110.M33 M26 1997 Masada and the world of the New Testament / 1
DS110.M33 M313 Masada; Survey and excavations, 1955-1956 / 1