Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS113.6.K32 2013 The Palestinian People : Seeking Sovereignty and State. 1
DS113.6 .K365 2006 The iron cage : the story of the Palestinian struggle for statehood / 2
DS113.6 .K37 2007 Heroes and martyrs of Palestine : the politics of national commemoration / 1
DS113.6 .K37 2007eb Heroes and martyrs of Palestine : the politics of national commemoration / 1
DS113.6 .L93 2007 Identity and religion in Palestine : the struggle between Islamism and secularism in the occupied territories / 1
DS113.6 .M585 2016 Mixed towns, trapped communities historical narratives, spatial dynamics, gender relations and cultural encounters in Palestinian-Israeli towns / 1
DS113.6 .P324 2013eb Palestine and the Palestinians in the 21st century / 3
DS113.6 .P33 2009 Palestinian collective memory and national identity /
Palestinian collective memory and national identity
DS113.6 .S38 2003 The Palestinian diaspora : formation of identities and politics of homeland / 1
DS113.6 .S38 2003eb The Palestinian diaspora : formation of identities and politics of homeland / 1
DS113.6.S38 2003eb DS113.6.S38 2003 Palestinian Diaspora. 1
DS113.6 .S56 2021 A history of Palestinian Islamic Jihad : faith, awareness, and revolution in the Middle East / 2
DS113.6 .S57 2021eb Palestinian Islamic jihad : Islamist writings on resistance and religion / 1
DS113.6 .S656 2021eb Palestinian national movement in Lebanon : a political history of the 'Ayn al-Hilwe camp / 1
DS113.6 .T35 2007 Palestine in the Egyptian Press : From al-Ahram to al-Ahali.
Palestine in the Egyptian press : from Al-Ahram to Al-Ahali /
DS113.7 Brothers apart : Palestinian citizens of Israel and the Arab world /
Green crescent over Nazareth : the displacement of Christians by Muslims in the Holy Land /
Social change and family processes : Arab communities in Shefar-a'm /
Nakba and Survival the story of Palestinians who remained in Haifa and the galilee, 1948-1956. /
Palestinian society and politics /
Palestinians in Israel : the politics of faith after Oslo /
From the Arab other to the Israeli self : Palestinian culture in the making of Israeli national identity /
When the bulbul stopped singing : life in Ramallah under siege /
DS113.7 .A283 2001 The influence of settlement on substance use and abuse among nomadic populations in Israel and Kenya / 1
DS113.7 .A63 2016eb Apartheid in Palestine. 2
DS113.7 .A693 2016 Apartheid in Palestine : hard laws and harder experiences / 1
DS113.7 .A695 2015eb Apartheid Israel : the politics of an analogy / 2