Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS116 .J67 1693 The works of Josephus 4
DS116.J67 1694 [Josephi antiquitatem judaicarum specimen] 1
DS116 .J6815 1938 Flavius Josephus : Lebenslauf, Jüdische Altertümer, Geschichte des jüdischen Krieges, Widerlegung des Apion von Alexandrien / 1
DS116 .J7 The works of Flavius Josephus / 1
DS116 .J7 1828 The genuine works of Flavius Josephus : translated by William Whiston. 1
DS116 .J7 1829 The works of Flavius Josephus : the learned and authentic historian, and celebrated warrior ... / 1
DS116 .J7 1859 The works of Flavius Josephus : comprising the Antiquities of the Jews; A history of the Jewish wars; and, Life of Flavius Josephus, written by himself / 1
DS116 .J7 1865 The works of Josephus : with a life written by himself / 1
DS116 .J7 1888 The works of Flavius Josephus... : containing twenty books of the Jewish antiquities, seven books of the Jewish war, and the Life of Josephus, written by himself / 1
DS116 .J7 1896 The works of Flavius Josephus : comprising the Antiquities of the Jews; a History of the Jewish wars; and Life of Flavius Josephus, written by himself ... And three dissertations, concerning Jesus Christ, John the Baptist, James the Just, God's command to Abraham, etc. / 1
DS116 .J7 1926 Josephus. 1
DS116 .J7 1959 The life and works of Flavius Josephus : the learned and authentic Jewish historian and celebrated warrior / 1
DS116 .J7 1988 The works of Josephus : complete and unabridged / 1
DS116 .J7 2000 Flavius Josephus : translation and commentary / 1
DS116 .J7 2000eb Flavius Josephus : Volume 9, Life of Josephus : translation and commentary / 1
DS116 .J7 2004 The life ; Against Apion / 1
DS116 .J718 1620 Gioseffo Flauio historico Delle antichita, et Guerre giudaiche : diuiso in vintisette libri. ... Et con vna nuoua aggiunta di due libri, l'vno del martirio de' Macabei, & l'altro dell'antichità tra i Greci, & i Giudei. / 1
DS116.J744 F45 1998 Josephus's interpretation of the Bible / 1
DS116 .J85 1923 Geschichte des jüdischen Krieges / 1
DS116 .J867 1958 Istori︠i︡a iudeiskoĭ voĭny / 1