Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS121 .M96 1865 The history of Moses and the Israelites. (Re-written.) / 1
DS121 .M97 2002 Early Judaism : the exile to the time of Jesus / 1
DS121 .N55 1853i A history of the Hebrew monarchy from the administration of Samuel to the Babylonish captivity / 1
DS121 .N65 2001 Canaan and Israel in antiquity : an introduction / 1
DS121 .O44 History of Palestine and Syria to the Macedonian conquest / 1
DS121 .O689 1998 The origin of early Israel--current debate : biblical, historical and archaeological perspectives : Irene Levi-Sala Seminar, 1997 / 1
DS121 .O7 Ancient Israel. 1
DS121 .O7 1960 Ancient Israel. 1
DS121 .O7 1965 Ancient Israel. 1
DS121 .O91 A short history of the Hebrews to the Roman period / 1
DS121 O91 1901 A short history of the Hebrews to the Roman period / 1
DS121 .P39 1981 Kingdoms of the Lord : a history of the Hebrew kingdoms from Saul to the fall of Jerusalem / 2
DS121 .S265 1749 Monarchia hebrea / 1
DS121 .S5713 1970 Yahweh war & tribal confederation; reflections upon Israel's earliest history.
Yahweh war & tribal confederation : reflections upon Israel's earliest history /
DS121.S83 2013 The Material Culture of the Northern Sea Peoples in Israel. 1
DS121 .T48 1992 Early history of the Israelite people : from the written and archaeological sources / 2
DS121 .V4 Ages in chaos / 1
DS121 .V4 v.1 From the Exodus to King Akhnaton / 1
DS121 .V4 v.4 Ramses II and his time / 1
DS121 .V4 v.5 Peoples of the sea / 1