DS121 .B72 1981
A history of Israel / |
2 |
DS121 .B72 2000
A history of Israel / |
1 |
DS121 .B8 1921
Israel's settlement in Canaan : the Biblical tradition and its historical background / |
1 |
DS121 .C87 1875
Hebrew history, from the death of Moses to the close of the Scripture narrative / |
1 |
DS121 .D37 2015eb
The history of ancient Israel : a guide for the perplexed / |
1 |
DS121 D85 2005
Los judíos : en la trama de los imperios antiguos : II & I Milenio a.C. / |
1 |
DS121 .F33 1991eb
The Fabric of history : text, artifact, and Israel's past / |
1 |
DS121 .G42 2010eb
Kings of the Jews : the origins of the Jewish nation / |
1 |
DS121 .G665 2006
Elements of ancient Jewish nationalism / |
1 |
DS121 .G665 2006eb
Elements of ancient Jewish nationalism / |
1 |
DS121 .G67 1997
Die Beziehungen zwischen dem alten Israel und Ägypten : von den Anfängen bis zum Exil / |
1 |
DS121 .H75
Die altisraelitische Überlieferung in inschriftlicher Beleuchtung : ein Einspruch gegen die Aufstellungen der modernen Pentateuchkritik / |
1 |
DS121 .H76
The ancient Hebrew tradition as illustrated by the monuments : a protest against the modern school of Old Testament criticism / |
1 |
DS121 .I58 2005
History and identity : how Israel's later authors viewed its earlier history / |
1 |
DS121 .I75 2014
The gift of the land and the fate of the Canaanites in Jewish thought / |
1 |
DS121 .I85 1999
Israel's past in present research : essays on ancient Israelite historiography / |
1 |
DS121 .I85 1999eb
Israel's past in present research : essays on ancient Israelite historiography / |
1 |
DS121 .I873 1998
The Israelites / |
1 |
The wonderful, and most deplorable history of the latter times of the Jews with the destruction of the city of Jerusalem. Which history begins where the Holy Scriptures do end / |
1 |
DS121 .K23 1999
The Israelites : an introduction / |
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