Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS134 .D52 1983 Diaspora : exile and the Jewish condition / 1
DS134 .D52245 2002 Diasporas and exiles : varieties of Jewish identity / 1
DS134 .D52245 2002eb Diasporas and exiles varieties of Jewish identity /
Diasporas and exiles : varieties of Jewish identity /
DS134 .D5225 1993 Diasporas in antiquity / 1
DS134 .D5225 2020eb Diasporas in Antiquity /
Diasporas in Antiquity
DS134 .D52413 1992 Sephardim : the Jews from Spain / 1
DS134 .D836 2020 In Exile : Geography, Philosophy and Judaic Thought. 1
DS134 .F758 2018 From Catalonia to the Caribbean : the Sephardic orbit from Medieval to modern times : essays in honor of Jane S. Gerber / 1
DS134 .F76 1999 From Iberia to diaspora : studies in Sephardic history and culture / 1
DS134 .G54 2003 Jewish frontiers : essays on bodies, histories, and identities / 1
DS134 .H644 2008 Homelands and diasporas : Greeks, Jews and their migrations / 1
DS134 .I86 2002 Diasporas within a diaspora : Jews, Crypto-Jews, and the world of maritime empires (1540-1740) / 1
DS134 .J33 2019 The JDC at 100 : a century of humanitarianism / 1
DS134 .J47 1999 Jewries at the frontier : accommodation, identity, conflict / 1
DS134 .J49 1998 Jews in places you never thought of / 1
DS134 . J497 2013eb Jews, Christians, and Muslims in the Mediterranean world after 1492 / 1
DS134 .K34 2022 Exodus and its aftermath : Jewish refugees in the wartime Soviet interior /
Exodus and Its Aftermath : Jewish Refugees in the Wartime Soviet Interior /
DS134 .K735 2016 Návraty : Poválečná rekonstrukce židovských komunit v zemích středovýchodní, jihovýchodní a východní Evropy. 1
DS134 .L44 2014 Emissaries from the Holy Land : the Sephardic diaspora and the practice of pan-Judaism in the eighteenth century / 1
DS134 .L44 2014eb Emissaries from the Holy Land : the Sephardic diaspora and the practice of pan-Judaism in the eighteenth century / 1