Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS135 .C95 C3713 2012 Czechs, Germans, Jews : National Identity and the Jews of Bohemia. 1
DS135.C95 C3713 2012 Czechs, Germans, Jews? : national identity and the Jews of Bohemia / 1
DS135.C95 C4513 1995 The Terezín ghetto / 1
DS135.C95 E3613 1991 Old Bohemian and Moravian Jewish cemeteries / 1
DS135.C95 F74 1988 The coldest winter : the Holocaust memoirs of Rabbi Samuel Freilich / 1
DS135.C95 H34 1992 Kristallnacht in Karlsbad / 1
DS135.C95 H45 2006 In the shadows of the Holocaust & communism : Czech and Slovak Jews since 1945 / 1
DS135.C95 H45 2017 In the shadows of the Holocaust and communism : Czech and Slovak Jews since 1945 / 1
DS135.C95 J36 2011 Arisierungsgewinnler : die Rolle der deutschen Banken bei der "Arisierung" und Konfiskation jüdischer Vermögen im Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren (1939-1945) / 1
DS135.C95 J45 The Jews of Czechoslovakia : historical studies and surveys. 1
DS135.C95 J8313 1992 The Jews of Bohemia and Moravia : a historical reader / 1
DS135.C95 J944 2006 Juden zwischen Deutschen und Tschechen : sprachliche und kulturelle Identitäten in Böhmen 1800-1945 / 1
DS135.C95 K54 2000 Languages of community : the Jewish experience in the Czech lands / 1
DS135.C95 K54 2000eb Languages of community : the Jewish experience in the Czech lands /
Languages of community the Jewish experience in the Czech lands /
DS135.C95 K83 2018 The Jew in Czech and Slovak imagination, 1938-89 : antisemitism, the Holocaust, and Zionism / 1
DS135 .C95 L35 2013 Czechs, Slovaks and the Jews, 1938-48 : Beyond Idealisation and Condemnation. 1
DS135.C95 L35 2013 Czechs, Slovaks and the Jews, 1938-48 : beyond idealisation and condemnation / 1
DS135.C95 N39 1965 Nazi-Dokumente sprechen / 1
DS135.C95 P65 1999 A thousand kisses : a grandmother's Holocaust letters / 2
DS135.C95 P73 1983 The Precious legacy : Judaic treasures from the Czechoslovak state collections / 1