Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS135.F84 M35 2016 Le grand désarroi : enquête sur les Juifs de France / 1
DS135.F84 S3513 2010 Jewish citizenship in France : the temptation of being among one's own / 1
DS135.F84 S3513 2010eb Jewish citizenship in France : the temptation of being among one's own / 1
DS135.F85 A4715 1988 Between France and Germany : the Jews of Alsace-Lorraine, 1871-1918 / 2
DS135.F85 A474 1991 The emancipation of the Jews of Alsace : acculturation and tradition in the nineteenth century / 1
DS135.F85 A4745 1992 Juden im Elsass : Jüdisches Museum der Schweiz, Schweizerisches Museum für Volkskunde, Ausstellung 1992/93 / 1
DS135.F85 B65 The Sephardic Jews of Bordeaux : assimilation and emancipation in Revolutionary and Napoleonic France / 2
DS135.F85 C374 1984 The carrière of Carpentras / 1
DS135.F85 C453 1979 Lest innocent blood be shed : the story of the village of Le Chambon, and how goodness happened there / 1
DS135.F85 C488 1994 The Jews of medieval France : the community of Champagne / 1
DS135.F85 D436 1923 La condition des Juifs de Nice aux 17e et 18e siècles / 1
DS135.F85 D54 2012 An uncertain future : voices of a French Jewish community, 1940-2012 : the Jews of Dijon / 1
DS135.F85 D54 2012eb An Uncertain Future : Voices of a French Jewish Community, 1940-2012 / 1
DS135.F85 D677 2003 Les juifs en Dordogne, 1939-1944 : de l'accueil à la persécution / 1
DS135.F85 I95513 1985 The children of Izieu : a human tragedy / 2
DS135.F85 L434 1979 Lest innocent blood be shed : the story of the village of Le Chambon, and how goodness happened there / 1
DS135.F85 L564 2006 Enfances juives : Limousin-Dordogne-Berry, terres de refuge, 1939-1945 / 1
DS135.F85 M3767 1996 The Holocaust & the Jews of Marseille : the enforcement of anti-Semitic policies in Vichy France / 1
DS135.F85 M377 1990 Shylock reconsidered : Jews, moneylending, and medieval society / 1
DS135.F85 M4726 2020 Law's dominion : Jewish community, religion, and family in early modern Metz / 1