Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS135.G33 R4513 2022 German Jews and the university, 1678-1848 / 1
DS135.G33 R5 1960 Das Licht verlöschte nicht ; Dokumente aus der Nacht des Nazismus. 1
DS135.G33 R53 1999 The 'Jewish question' in German literature, 1749-1939 : emancipation and its discontents / 1
DS135.G33 R54 2005 Jewish scholarship and culture in nineteenth-century Germany : between history and faith / 1
DS135.G33 R54 2005eb Jewish scholarship and culture in nineteenth-century Germany : between history and faith /
Jewish scholarship and culture in nineteenth-century Germany between history and faith /
DS135.G33 R55 2001 Portraits of our past : Jews of the German countryside / 2
DS135.G33 .R55 2010 Portraits of Our Past : Jews of the German Countryside. 1
DS135.G33 R876 2008 Russkie evrei v Germanii i Avstrii : statʹi, publika︠t︡sii, memuary i ėsse / 1
DS135.G33 S29 1970 The twisted road to Auschwitz : Nazi policy toward German Jews, 1933-1939 / 1
DS135.G33 S294 Bereit für Deutschland! : Der Patriotismus deutscher Juden und der Nationalsozialismus. Frühe Schriften 1930 bis 1939, eine historische Dokumentation. 1
DS135.G33 S297 On Jews and Judaism in crisis : selected essays / 2
DS135.G33 S2984 1994 From text to context : the turn to history in modern Judaism / 1
DS135.G33 S299 1985 Die Reichskristallnacht in Deutschland nach Augenzeugenberichten / 1
DS135.G33 S32 The redeemers : a saga of the years 1945-1952. 1
DS135.G33 S4 1934 The bloodless pogrom / 1
DS135.G33 S5 The British press and Jews under Nazi rule. 1
DS135.G33 S56 1987 The transformation of German Jewry, 1780-1840 / 1
DS135.G33 S56 1999 The transformation of German Jewry, 1780-1840 / 1
DS135.G33 S675 1990 The Transformation of German Jewry, 1780-1840. 1
DS135.G33 S68 1968 Stärker als die Angst : den 6 Millionen, die keinen Retter fanden / 1