Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
DS135.I8 R44 2013eb | The most tenacious of minorities : the Jews of Italy / | 1 |
DS135.I8 R4613 2019 | The Renaissance speaks Hebrew / | 1 |
DS135.I8 R469 2024 | Jewish displaced persons in Italy 1943-1951 : politics, rehabilitation, identity / | 1 |
DS135.I8 R6 1946 | The history of the Jews of Italy / | 1 |
DS135.I8 R686 2020 | Jews in Southern Tuscany during the Holocaust : Ambiguous Refuge. | 1 |
DS135.I8 S22613 2006 | The Jews in Mussolini's Italy : from equality to persecution / | 1 |
DS135.I8 S227 1994 | Mussolini contro gli ebrei : cronaca dell'elaborazione delle leggi del 1938 / | 1 |
DS135.I8 S3913 2012 | After Mussolini : Jewish life and Jewish memories in post-Fascist Italy / | 1 |
DS135.I8 S53 2019 | Refugees, human rights, and realpolitik : the clandestine immigration of Jewish refugees from Italy to Palestine, 1945-1948 / | 1 |
DS135.I8 S56 2014 | The Jews of Italy : antiquity / | 1 |
DS135.I8 S64x 2016 | Die Darstellung des Holocausts in Italien und Deutschland : Erinnerungsarchitektur -- politischer Diskurs -- Ethik / | 1 |
DS135.I8 V64 1989 | Zuflucht auf widerruf : Exil in Italien, 1933-1945 / | 1 |
DS135.I8 V75 | The Jewish question in Italy / | 1 |
DS135.I8 Z83 1987 | The Italians and the Holocaust : persecution, rescue, and survival / | 1 |
DS135.I8 Z87 2000 | Under his very windows : the Vatican and the Holocaust in Italy / | 2 |
DS135.I85 |
Surviving the ghetto : toward a social history of the Jewish community in 16th-century Rome / The Medici state and the ghetto of Florence : the construction of an early modern Jewish community / Studies on the Jews of Venice, 1382-1797 / From mass conversion to expulsion : Jews and new Christians in the Kingdom of Naples (1492-1541) / Discourse on the State of the Jews : Bilingual Edition / |
6 |
DS135.I85 A847 1990 | Presenze ebraiche nell'aretino dal XIV al XX secolo / | 1 |
DS135.I85 B655 2002 | Museo ebraico di Bologna : guida ai percorsi storici / | 1 |
DS135.I85 C3528 2012 | The Jews in Calabria / | 1 |
DS135.I85 E5338 1991 | Ebrei in Romagna (1938-1945) : dalle leggi razziali allo sterminio / | 1 |