Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS135.J3 Under the shadow of the rising sun : Japan and the Jews during the Holocaust era / 2
DS135.J3 M4313 2016 Under the shadow of the rising sun : Japan and the Jews during the Holocaust era / 1
DS135.J3 P358 1999 Juden unter japanischer Herrschaft : jüdische Exilerfahrungen und der Sonderfall Karl Löwith / 1
DS135.J3 S26 1998 Japanese diplomats and Jewish refugees : a World War II dilemma / 1
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DS135.K45 E67 2019 Roads less traveled : German-Jewish exile experiences in Kenya, 1933-1947 / 1
DS135.K8 B73 1993 The Jews of Kurdistan / 1
DS135.K8 S23 2008 My father's paradise : a son's search for his Jewish past in Kurdish Iraq / 1
DS135.K8 Z35 2007eb Jewish subjects and their tribal chieftains in Kurdistan : a study in survival / 1
DS135.K93 K286 1988 Kaddish for Kovno : life and death in a Lithuanian ghetto, 1941-1945 / 1
DS135.L3 Nazi collaborators on trial during the Cold War : Viktors Arajs and the Latvian Auxiliary security police / 1
DS135.L3 E94 1996 The Holocaust in Latvia, 1941-1944 : the missing center / 1
DS135.L3 S7413 2002 History of Latvian Jews / 1
DS135.L32 L54 2001 Jews in Liepāja, Latvia, 1941-45 : a memorial book / 1
DS135.L32 R5313 2009 The "final solution" in Riga : exploitation and annihilation, 1941-1944 / 1
DS135.L32 R54713 2000 The murder of the Jews in Latvia : 1941-1945 / 1
DS135.L33 A27 2002 To forgive-- but not forget : Maja's story / 1
DS135.L33 F7513 2021 On the death of Jews : photographs and history / 1
DS135.L33 K33 1998eb From hell to redemption : a memoir of the Holocaust / 1
DS135.L33 K3513 2010 Churbn Lettland : the destruction of the Jews of Latvia / 1
DS135.L33 K87 2007 The mascot : unraveling the mystery of my Jewish father's Nazi boyhood / 1