Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS135.N6 Z55 1995 Yours always : a Holocaust love story / 1
DS135.N65 K6513 2009 Promised New Zealand : fleeing Nazi persecution / 1
DS135.N65 L48 1999 The New Zealand Jewish community / 1
DS135.N65 R67 1988 Not strictly kosher : pioneer Jews in New Zealand / 1
DS135.N8 A27 1990 Norway's response to the Holocaust / 2
DS135.N8 M46 1991 The persecution of the Norwegian Jews in WW II / 1
DS135.N8 S3313 2002 The story of "Herman der Norweger" Auschwitz prisoner #79235 / 1
DS135.N83 L48 2019 The price of survival : Marcus Levin, Norwegian Holocaust humanitarian / 1
DS135.N83 N33613 2008  
DS135.P36 F64 1996 Job : the story of a Holocaust survivor / 1
DS135.P45 Escape to Manila : from Nazi tyranny to Japanese terror / 2
DS135.P45 E64 2003 Escape to Manila : from Nazi tyranny to Japanese terror / 1
DS135.P45 H37 2020 Philippine sanctuary : a Holocaust odyssey / 1
DS135.P6 Survivors of the Holocaust in Poland: A Portrait Based on Jewish Community Records.
Focusing on Jewish religious life, 1500-1900 /
Jews in Łódź, 1820-1939 /
The shtetl : myth and reality /
Jewish women in Eastern Europe /
Jews and the emerging Polish state /
Poles and Jews renewing the dialogue /
Social and cultural boundaries in pre-modern Poland /
Jews and Ukrainians
Jews in independent Poland, 1918-1939 /
Focusing on Jewish popular culture in Poland and its afterlife /
New research, new views
Focusing on the Holocaust and its aftermath /
DS135.P6 A5 1916 Das Buch von den polnischen Juden / 1
DS135.P6 A63 2002 The enemy at his pleasure : a journey through the Jewish pale of settlement during World War I / 1
DS135.P6 A63 2003 The enemy at his pleasure : a journey through the Jewish pale of settlement during World War I / 1
DS135.P6 A66 1996b And I still see their faces : images of Polish Jews = I ciągle widzę ich twarze : fotografia Żydów polskich / 1
DS135.P6 A72 2005 Antisemitism and its opponents in modern Poland / 1
DS135.P6 B261 1929 Zabytki historyczne Żydów w Polsce / 1