Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS135.N6 F73595 2022 The betrayal of Anne Frank : a cold case investigation / 1
DS135.N6 F7385 1993 Anne Frank, beyond the diary : a photographic remembrance / 1
DS135.N6 F7537 2007 The Frank family that survived / 1
DS135.N6 G36 1996eb Anne Frank and after / 2
DS135.N6 G65613 2018 Sam Goudsmit and the hunt for Hitler's atom bomb / 1
DS135.N6 H374 1979 Er is een weg naar de vrijheid : zeven maanden concentratiekamp / 1
DS135.N6 H47 1997 Between two streams : a diary from Bergen-Belsen / 1
DS135.N6 H5447 2008 Etty Hillesum and the flow of presence : a Voegelinian analysis / 2
DS135.N6 H5447 2008eb Etty Hillesum and the flow of presence : a Voegelinian analysis / 1
DS135.N6 H544714 2014 The existential philosophy of Etty Hillesum : an analysis of her diaries and letters / 1
DS135.N6 H54476 2014 The ethics and religious philosophy of Etty Hillesum : proceedings of the Etty Hillesum Conference at Ghent University, January 2014 / 1
DS135.N6 H54476 2019eb The lasting significance of Etty Hillesum's writings : proceedings of the third international Etty Hillesum conference at Middelburg, september 2018 / 2
DS135.N6 H54513 1986 Letters from Westerbork / 1
DS135.N6 H54813 1983 An interrupted life : the diaries of Etty Hillesum, 1941-1943 / 3
DS135.N6 H54813 1996 An interrupted life : the diaries, 1941-1943 ; and, Letters from Westerbork / 1
DS135.N6 H54813 2002 Etty : the letters and diaries of Etty Hillesum, 1941-1943 / 1
DS135.N6 H54818 2007 Una vida conmocionada diario 1941-1943 / 1
DS135.N6 H55 2009 Etty Hillesum : a life transformed / 1
DS135.N6 H55 2018 Reading Etty Hillesum in context : writings, life, and influences of a visionary author / 1
DS135.N6 H55 2018eb Reading Etty Hillesum in context : writings, life, and influences of a visionary author / 1