Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS135.R9 G444 2001 A century of ambivalence : the Jews of Russia and the Soviet Union, 1881 to the present / 1
DS135.R9 G46 The Jewish problem in the Soviet Union: analysis and solution. 1
DS135.R9 H23 1995 Jews and revolution in nineteenth century Russia / 1
DS135.R9 I7713 The Jews in Russia / 1
DS135.R9 J47 1970 The Jews in Soviet Russia since 1917 / 1
DS135.R9 J83 1963 Judíos en la U.R.S.S. / 1
DS135.R9 K53 1986 Russia gathers her Jews : the origins of the "Jewish question" in Russia, 1772-1825 / 1
DS135.R9 K534 1995 Imperial Russia's Jewish question, 1855-1881 / 1
DS135.R9 K563 Russian Jewry / 1
DS135.R9 K67 1970 Jews as non-persons : a study of Soviet history textbooks in elementary and secondary schools / 1
DS135.R9 L325 Three million more? 1
DS135.R9 L33 1989 The road to modern Jewish politics : political tradition and political reconstruction in the Jewish community of tsarist Russia / 1
DS135.R9 L35 Soviet Jewry and human rights. 1
DS135.R9 L54 2006 Conscription and the search for modern Russian Jewry / 1
DS135.R9 .N38 2001 Beyond the pale : the Jewish encounter with late imperial Russia / 1
DS135.R9 P55 1991 Pogroms : anti-Jewish violence in modern Russian history / 1
DS135.R9 P55 1992 Pogroms : anti-Jewish violence in modern Russian history / 1
DS135.R9 P64 1941 Das Judentum, das wahre gesicht der sowjets / 1
DS135.R9 R43 Redemption! Jewish freedom letters from Russia / 1
DS135.R9 R47 Die russische Judengesetzgebung von der ersten polnischen Teilung bis zum "Položenie dlja evreev" (1804) / 1