Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS135.R92 A729 1987 Soviet Jewry since the Second World War : population and social structure / 1
DS135.R92 A735 2005 From exodus to freedom : a history of the Soviet Jewry movement / 1
DS135.R92 B54 1997 Bitter legacy : confronting the Holocaust in the USSR / 1
DS135.R92 B744 2003 Stalin's last crime : the plot against the Jewish doctors, 1948-1953 / 1
DS135.R92 B822 2005 Rossiĭskie evrei mezhdu krasnymi i belymi (1917-1920) / 1
DS135.R92 B89 1997 They did not dwell alone : Jewish emigration from the Soviet Union, 1967-1990 / 1
DS135.R92 C4714 1995 Le Livre noir sur l'extermination scélérate des juifs par les envahisseurs fascistes allemands dans les régions provisoirement occupées de l'URSS et dans les camps d'extermination en Pologne pendant la guerre de 1941-1945 : textes et témoignages / 1
DS135.R92 C4719 1984 Dos shṿartse bukh / 1
DS135.R92 C647 2002 The complete black book of Russian Jewry / 2
DS135.R92 D72 1992 Challenging the Kremlin : the Soviet Jewish movement for freedom, 1967-1990 / 1
DS135.R92 E9152 2008 Evrei Rossii v zarubezhʹe : ocherki istorii / 1
DS135.R92 E97 1999 Evrei i russka︠i︡a revol︠i︡u︠t︡si︠i︡a : materialy i issledovani︠i︡a / 1
DS135.R92 F45 2007 "Silent no more" : saving the Jews of Russia, the American Jewish effort, 1967-1989 / 1
DS135.R92 G35 2006 Exiled to Palestine : the emigration of Zionist convicts from the Soviet Union, 1924-1934 / 2
DS135.R92 G46 1996 Those wonderful women in black : the story of the Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry / 1
DS135.R92 G53 1985 The Jews of hope / 1
DS135.R92 G53 1985b The Jews of hope / 1
DS135.R92 G5413 The black years of Soviet Jewry, 1939-1953 / 1
DS135.R92 G54413 1982 A language silenced : the suppression of Hebrew literature and culture in the Soviet Union / 1
DS135.R92 .G57 1972eb Jewish nationality and Soviet politics : the Jewish sections of the CPSU, 1917-1930 / 1