Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS154.9.G47 A73 2018 The archaeology and history of Jerash : 110 years of excavations / 1
DS154.9.G47 B69 2022 Water management in Gerasa and its hinterland : from the Romans to AD 750 / 1
DS154.9.G47 B76 1982 Jerash and the Decapolis / 1
DS154.9.G47 B89 2019 Byzantine and Umayyad Jerash reconsidered : transitions, transformations, continuities / 1
DS154.9.G47 G333 2002 Gadara, Gerasa und die Dekapolis / 1
DS154.9.G47 N388 2004 The architectural elements and decoration at Gerasa (Jerash) during the Roman period : (typological and comparative studies) / 1
DS154.9.G49 Ancient landscapes of Zoara I : surveys and excavations at the Ghor as-Safi in Jordan, 1997-2018 / 1
DS154.9.G49 P65 2023 Ancient landscapes of Zoara II : finds from surveys and excavations at the Ghor as-Safi in Jordan, 1997-2018 / 1
DS154.9.H35 .C65 2015eb The Tall al-Hammam excavations. 1
DS154.9.H47 I22 1987 Archaeological survey of the Hesban region : catalogue of sites and characterizations of periods / 1
DS154.9.H57 L32 1990 Sedentarization and nomadization : food system cycles at Hesban and vicinity in Transjordan / 1
DS154.9.H57 L33 1990 Sedentarization and nomadization : food system cycles at Hesban and vicinity in Transjordan / 1
DS154.9.H57 M57 1992 Hellenistic and Roman strata : a study of the stratigraphy of Tell Hesban from the 2d century B.C. to the 4th century A.D. / 1
DS154.9.H57 S63 2009 Small finds : studies of bone, iron, glass, figurines, and stone objects from Tell Hesban and vicinity / 1
DS154.9.J37 M53 2018 Middle Islamic Jerash (9th century-15th century) : archaeology and history of an Ayyubid-Mamluk settlement / 1
DS154.9.J38 E93 1991 Excavations at Jawa 1972-1986 : : stratigraphy, pottery and other finds / 1
DS154.9.J38 H44 Jawa, lost city of the Black Desert / 2
DS154.9.J39 Excavations at Tall Jawa, Jordan. 1
DS154.9.J54 L36 2007 Tell Johfiyeh : ein archäologischer Fundplatz und seine Umgebung in Nordjordanien : Materialien zu einer Regionalstudie / 1
DS154.9.K3 A67 Arab village; a social structural study of a Transjordanian peasant community,
Arab village : a social structural study of a Transjordanian peasant community /