Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS324.K47 D36 The political and social history of Khurasan under Abbasid rule, 747-820 / 1
DS324.K47 G3713 2011eb The ornament of histories : a history of the Eastern Islamic lands AD 650-1041 : the original text of Abû Saʻîd ʻAbd al-Ḥayy Gardīzī / 1
DS324.K47 G74 2015 Greater Khorasan : history, geography, archaeology and material culture / 1
DS324.K47 G74 2015eb Greater Khorasan : history, geography, archaeology and material culture / 1
DS324.K47 S45 1970 The history of the Sarbadār Dynasty, 1336-1381 A.D. and its sources. 2
DS324.K49 Local exchange and early state development in southwestern Iran. 1
DS324.K49 A55 1992 Prehistoric settlement patterns and cultures in Susiana, Southwestern Iran : the analysis of the F.G.L. Gremliza Survey Collection / 1
DS324.K49 A7 Archaeological investigations in northeastern Xuzestan, 1976 / 1
DS324.K49 K377 1954 Tārīkh-i pānṣad sālah-i Khūzistān / 1
DS324.L3 P64 1986 Burgen und Heiligtümer in Laristan, Südiran : ein Surveybericht / 1
DS324.M3 I26 1987 Tārīkh-i Ṭabaristān : kih dar 613 hijrī-yi ta'līf shudah ast / 1
DS324.M3 I66 1923 Tajalliyāt-i rūḥ-i Īrānī : dar advār-i tārikhī : yak armaghān barā-yi nizhād-i nawzād-i Īrān / 1
DS324.M33 K38 2003 Society, politics and economics in Māzandarān, Iran, 1848-1914 / 1
DS324.S5 B59 1994 The history of the Saffarids of Sistan and the Maliks of Nimruz : (247/861 to 949/1542-3) / 1
DS324.S5 B6 Sīstān under the Arabs : from the Islamic conquest to the rise of the Ṣaffārids (30-250/651-864) 1
DS324.Z33 G749 2002 Die Entstehung regionaler staatlicher Siedlungsstrukturen im Bereich des prähistorischen Zagros-Gebirges : eine Analyse von Siedlungsverteilungen in der Susiana und im Kur-Flussbecken / 1
DS325.B25 R393 2003 ʻAṣr-i shūrʹangīz-i arg-i Bam / 1
DS325.G6 Y68 Excavations at Godin Tepe : first progress report / 1
DS325.I7 Baghdad and Isfahan : a dialogue of two cities in an age of science ca. 750-1750 / 1
DS325.I7 B33 2021 The city as anthology : eroticism and urbanity in early modern Isfahan / 1