Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS371.3 .T35 2010 Taliban behind the masks / 1
DS371.3 .T35 2011 Taliban and anti-Taliban / 1
DS371.3 .T35 2018 The Taliban reader : war, Islam and politics / 1
DS371.3 .T354 2008 The Taliban and the crisis of Afghanistan / 1
DS371.3 .T354 2008eb The Taliban and the crisis of Afghanistan / 1
DS371.3 .T38 1999 The Taliban and Afghanistan implications for regional security and options for international action. 1
DS371.3 .Y37 2002 Behind the burqa : our life in Afghanistan and how we escaped to freedom / 2
DS371.33.D8 W55 2013eb The last warlord : the life and legend of Dostum, the Afghan warrior who led US special forces to topple the Taliban regime / 1
DS371.33.H55 B36 2019eb Night letters : Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and the Afghan Islamists who changed the world / 1
DS371.33.H55 S26 2019 Night letters : Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and the Afghan Islamists who changed the world / 1
DS371.33.M37 G73 2009 Massoud : an intimate portrait of the legendary Afghan leader / 1
DS371.33 .O46 2011 When bamboo bloom : an anthropologist in Taliban's Afghanistan / 1
DS371.33.Z34 A3 2010 My life with the Taliban /
My Life with the Taliban.
DS371.4 The decline and fall of republican Afghanistan /
Afghanistan 2001-2021 Gewaltideologien und ein Hauch Von Offener Gesellschaft.
The religious right and the Talibanization of America /
Afghanistan post-2014 : power configurations and evolving trajectories /
Taliban Revival Violence and Extremism on the Pakistan-Afghanistan Frontier.
Afghanistan : politics and economics in a globalising state /
The religious right and the talibanization of America /
Canada as statebuilder? : development and reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan /
Aspiration and ambivalence : strategies and realities of counterinsurgency and state building in Afghanistan /
Afghanistan after the Western Drawdown /
American state-building in Afghanistan and its regional consequences : achieving democratic stability and balancing china's influence /
AFGHANISTAN DISPOSSESSED women, culture and the taliban.
Negotiating survival : civilian-insurgent relations in Afghanistan /
DS371.4 .A3335 2015 Afghanistan after the western drawdown / 1
DS371.4 .A3337 2016 Afghanistan and its neighbors after the NATO withdrawal / 2
DS371.4 .A34 2008 Afghanistan : transition under threat / 1
DS371.4 .A368 2018 Afghanistan : challenges and prospects / 1
DS371.4 .A38415 2014 Afghanistan, Pakistan and strategic change : adjusting western regional policy / 1
DS371.4 .A3844 2008 Afghanistan : state and society, great power politics, and the way ahead : findings from an international conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2007 / 1