Call Number (LC) Title Results
DS374.H5 B54 1880i Tribes of the Hindoo Koosh 1
DS374.H5 H66 1974 Hindukusch : Österreichische Forschungsexpedition in den Wakhan 1970 / 1
DS374.H5 L89 1986 Ocherki istorii Vostochnogo Gindukusha vo vtoroĭ polovine XIX v. / 1
DS374.H5 M313 1964a Where four worlds meet : Hindu Kush, 1959 / 1
DS374.H5 M53 1967 The Midlands Hindu Kush Expedition, 1967 : report / 1
DS374.H5 N47 1958 A short walk in the Hindu Kush. 1
DS374.H5 N47 1959 A short walk : a preposterous adventure / 1
DS374.H5 N47 1981 A short walk in the Hindu Kush / 2
DS374.H5 N47 2010 A short walk in the Hindu Kush / 1
DS374.H5 S33 1979 Time out of mind : trekking the Hindu Kush / 1
DS374.H5 T7 1968 No tigers in the Hindu Kush / 1
DS374.K2 B37 2006 A passage to Nuristan : exploring the mysterious Afghan hinterland / 1
DS374.K2 D55 Versammlungsplätze im Dardo-Kafirischen Raum. 1
DS374.K2 R68 1896 The Káfirs of the Hindu-Kush / 1
DS374.K25 W86 2011 Outposts : Kandahar Province / 1
DS374.K5 D63 2008 The Khyber Pass : a history of empire and invasion / 1
DS374.P35 G76 1978 Grosser Pamir : Österr. Forschungsunternehmen 1975 in den Wakhan-Pamir/Afghanistan / 1
DS374.S55 Ancient and early medieval kingdoms of the Pamir region of Central Asia : historical Shughnan and its lost capital / 1
DS375.A95 F68 1973 Fouilles d'Aï Khanoum. 1
DS375.B3 G6 Les antiquités bouddhiques de Bāmiyān / 1